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Registration Guide Science Department

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1 2011-2012 Registration Guide Science Department

2 Background information
It is very important that you register for the science class that best fits your background, skills, scholarly habits and future plans. Changing to a different course partway through the school year is highly unlikely, and there is no guarantee that a change could happen. You are advised to register for the course that you are most likely to learn the most in and complete successfully, not just “try out.” If you are uncertain about correct registration and placement, please see your current science teacher. Near the end of the school year, re-check your registration and make any necessary changes at that time 5/7/2019

3 Science Class Pathways
The following slides have a number of possible pathways to following while selecting your science classes at EVHS for next year and for the future. 5/7/2019

4 Pathway 1 Chemistry (or Chemistry Concepts with permission)
*may be taken senior Physical/Earth Science Biology Additional STEM electives available all 4 years (Minimum High School Science Requirement/Technical school.) Suggested for those students without a science focus. 5/7/2019

5 Pathway 2 Physical/Earth Science Biology Chemistry Physics
(CIS Anatomy) Additional STEM electives available all 4 years (college-bound track) Suggested for students who desire a standard high school curriculum necessary for entrance to most colleges, universities, and technical institutes. To be successful at this level, a student must have a solid math background along with good classroom, study, and homework skills. 5/7/2019

6 Pathway 3 Honors Physical/Earth Science Honors Biology
Honors Chemistry [CIS Anatomy] AP Physics or Physics [AP Chemistry and/or CIS Anatomy and/or AP Biology] (Honors track) Suggested for students who desire to be challenged by a more rigorous course load then the regular college-bound track. To be successful at this level, a student must have a strong math and reading background along with exceptional classroom, study, homework, and test-taking skills. Students might double up on science classes during one or more years to fit in multiple AP or CIS elective science courses if they so desire. or CIS Prerequisites: Chemistry before AP Biology, Honors Chemistry before AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry before AP Physics 5/7/2019

7 Pathway 4 (only available to current freshman)
Honors Physical/Earth Science Honors Chemistry AP Biology (and AP Chemistry) AP Physics or Physics [AP Chemistry and/or CIS Anatomy] (science career track) Suggested for students who are interested in taking AP Biology as a Junior or Senior with a prerequisite of Honors Chemistry. Students well-suited for this pathway will have a very strong interest in engineering, medicine, chemistry, biology, or physics as a career choice. Honors or regular chemistry is a prerequisite for AP Chemistry and AP Biology. To be successful at this level, a student must have an accelerated math background along with excellent classroom, study, and homework skills 5/7/2019

8 Pathway 4 (continued) Honors Physical/Earth Science and Honors Biology
Honors Chemistry AP Biology and/or AP Chemistry AP Physics or Physics [AP Chemistry and/or CIS Anatomy] Honors Physical/Earth Science Honors Chemistry and Honors Biology AP Biology and or AP Chemistry AP Physics or Physics [AP Chemistry and/or CIS Anatomy] 5/7/2019

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