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READ-Around REVIEW: -ish

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Presentation on theme: "READ-Around REVIEW: -ish"— Presentation transcript:

1 READ-Around REVIEW: -ish
somewhat, related to having the characteristic of

2 What is the word that relates to a fancy and extravagant meal or event?

3 lavish having characteristics of extravagance; fancy; full of luxuries

4 What is the word that describes an outfit that is somewhat in fashion and looks nice on a person?

5 stylish fashionable; related to the current fashion trends; having good taste in clothing

6 What is the word that describes somewhat immature behavior that you would expect from a much younger child?

7 childish simple; immature; related to a younger person’s behavior

8 What is the word that describes how you might feel if you saw someone eating worms?

9 squeamish easily sickened; easily disgusted; easily shocked; somewhat weak or fearful

10 What is the word that describes a person who is somewhat shy and embarrassed?

11 sheepish having characteristics of meekness or timidity; embarrassed

12 What is the word that describes a person who has the characteristic of having a bad temperament?

13 peevish having characteristics of sour mood or temperament

14 What is the word that is related to how you might feel if you lack energy and just want to sit down?

15 sluggish slow; lacking energy; somewhat inactive

16 What is the word that describes a behavior that is somewhat silly and unwise?

17 foolish silly; somewhat ridiculous; unwise

18 What is the suffix that means somewhat, related to, or having the characteristic of?

19 the suffix -ish

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