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Medical Interventions

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1 Medical Interventions
Mrs. Amy Litz Website Scan to learn to more about PLTW and Biomedical Science What We Will Learn Required Materials In MI, we focus on the medical history and interventions used in a fictitious family- the Smith family. Through out the year we will be given medical information about family members and use the information to learn more about: Infection, Genetic Screening, Cancer, Organ Failure and Transplants. Students will become proficient at: DNA testing, micro pipetting, microscopy, ELISA tests, bacteriology practices, laparoscopic practices and suturing! 1 inch binder 4 tabs (Unit 1-4) Notebook paper Paper/Pen/Pencil Access to Curriculum This class has no textbook. Instead, all curriculum is online and we use web resources and lab work to learn. Parents and students can access files and curriculum via a shared Google Drive folder: . If a student does not have access to a computer at home they can use the computers during ILT or before/after school to complete assignments. Perks Grading  Category Percentage of Grade Type of Task Tests/Projects 50% Summative Quizzes/Activities 30% Class Work 20% Formative Biomedical Science is part of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Regional Health Professions Career Academy which partners SHS teachers and students with community businesses that provide invaluable resources that infuse expertise and industry relevance into our program. This partnership affords opportunities such as apprenticeships, mentorships and work based learning. -ALL students are required to take the PLTW MI End of Course Exam (no exemptions). The year end grade is 40% first 9 weeks, 40% second 9 weeks and 20% EOC. -Participation in activities, labs and projects is ESSENTIAL to this course. Work due to absences is due before the end of the next unit test. -Meeting deadlines is a professional obligation for this course, any assignment not finished on time will incur a 30 point penalty (70). - Students will be required to keep a notebook and notebook checks will be given at each unit test. -Any student that is performing below expectation can improve their grade during ILT with tutoring or test corrections. Unit tests can be remediated by completing test corrections to receive half credit back on points lost IF THE UNIT REVIEW IS COMPLETED with 100% accuracy and all work has been turned in for the unit (no zeros). College credit is available to those that are successful in the course (A or B) and earn a superior score on the EOC (6 or above). A letter will go home with students at the end of the year with information if they qualify. Medical Interventions is an honors weighted course. Those students that earn the requirements for college credit will be eligible for AP/Dual Credit weighting for the course . If you have a smartphone please download the Drive app we will use it in class. Join HOSA at SHS! A student-led organization of future health professionals. HOSA is one of 10 national career and technical student organizations endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education. Students participate in service projects and can compete in local and national HOSA competitions. Why HOSA? Watch this video!

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