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Word Ladders Third Grade

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1 Word Ladders Third Grade
Tulip - Poplar Unit 2 Week 1 Created by Kristi Waltke

2 On the bottom rung of your ladder spell…

3 Change one letter in “tulip
Change one letter in “tulip.” Use the letters to spell a word for a student. The same word can also be used for what’s found in the center of your iris. tulip

4 You should have spelled…

5 Use the last three letters in “pupil” and add two letters to make a word for the person driving an airplane. pupil

6 You should have spelled…

7 Drop one letter from “pilot” and use the remaining letters to make a word for work.

8 You should have spelled…

9 Add two letters to “toil” and make a word for commode.

10 You should have spelled…

11 Change two letters in “toilet” and use the letters to spell a word for the absence of sound.

12 You should have spelled…

13 Drop two letters from “silent” to make a word for the past tense of “lend.”

14 You should have spelled…

15 Change the ending of “lent” to make a word for a yellow fruit that has a sour taste.

16 You should have spelled…

17 Scramble the letters in “lemon” to make a word for a type of fruit with a hard rind.

18 You should have spelled…

19 Use a three letter chunk from “melon” to make a word for a desert animal with a hump back. You’ll have to add two letters. melon

20 You should have spelled…

21 Use the last four letters in “camel” to spell a word for the opposite of female.

22 You should have spelled…

23 Change the beginning of “male” to make a word for very light colored.

24 You should have spelled…

25 Use three letters from “pale” and three additional letters to spell a word for a type of tree from a temperate region. pale

26 You should have spelled…

27 You’ve just gone from tulip to poplar.
Way to go!

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