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Lesson Starter Welcome! Answer the survey completely

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter Welcome! Answer the survey completely"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter Welcome! Answer the survey completely
CONTACT INFORMATION: Your Name ONE Parent/Guardian contact name and number

2 Welcome to the 9th Grade Academy and… Physical Science Class!
Mr. Brown Room 504

3 Today! Lesson Starter Quick Syllabus and Materials

4 Mission and Goals Score 80% or higher on tests to show a mastery of physical science Learn in a respectful, safe, and fun environment Everyone CAN achieve

5 Materials 3 Ring Binder (2 inch) ONE 2 pocket folder Pens/Pencils
4 Sections Lesson Starters (Do Now) Classwork/Notes Homework Tests/Quizzes ONE 2 pocket folder Pens/Pencils Highlighters Willingness to participate and have fun Everything else will be provided

6 Grading Late work will be docked one letter grade. Lesson Starters 10%
Tests/Projects 45% Quizzes 20% Classwork Homework 15% Total 100% A 100-93 B 92-85 C 84-75 D 74-67 Late work will be docked one letter grade.

7 When You Come In… Come in through the door by my desk
Quietly take a seat Begin your Lesson Starter Sharpen pencils and take out homework If the bell rings and you are not prepared, you are wasting time

8 When You Leave… Do not pack up until I tell you
I dismiss you, not the bell

9 No Excuses… Play like a champion Learn Late Work Absences Tardies

10 What We Will Learn All About
Scientific Inquiry Nature of Matter Atomic Structure Chemical Reactions Matter, Force, & Motion Energy, Work, & Power Light & Sound Electricity & Magnetism Earth Science

11 Monday, August 15 Don’t Get Scared Now Do Now The Gameplan

12 Responsibilities Teacher
To be prepared and give you the tools to pass this class and create a safe and fun environment Respect each of you as young adults and treat all fairly Have a POSITIVE outlook and attitude Be there for any additional help

13 Responsibilities Student
To be prepared for class everyday, to acquire the tools to pass this class, and to accept education Respect and treat the teacher and other students as you want to be respected POSITIVE attitude and willingness to learn

14 Rules 1. Respect your classmates, yourself, your teacher, and the equipment 2. If you waste time, you owe time (Lunch detention, WISE Room) 3. Come to class prepared with ALL necessary materials (HW, notebook, pencils) 4. Keep cell phones off & out of sight

15 If you choose to break a rule
1st time - Verbal warning 2nd time - Lunch detention 3rd time - Afterschool detention 4th time - Parent conference and administrative detention Cheating, fighting, bullying, and other cases will be dealt with the office immediately. Clean slate after 9 weeks

16 Positive Behavior Support
Maroon Money Free Fridays Homework Passes

17 Procedures Procedures are a way of life
There are procedures for every aspect of life For this class to run well, we need procedures

18 Example Entering the classroom! Procedure!
What do you do when you enter our classroom? Come in quietly Begin Do Now Sharpen pencils and take out homework

19 Lesson Starters On the board as you walk in Begin IMMEDIATELY
Can range from one from your sheet to a variety on the board Each Friday will be a Lesson Starter Quiz

20 Tardies Don’t be late 1st time - warning 2nd time - lunch detention
3rd time - afterschool detention Get a pass if you are going to be late

21 Absences Missed tests and labs will be made up after school. No exceptions Homework and classwork is due within two days after you return. Miss Monday, due Thursday. Classwork, notes, and homework will be found in makeup binder

22 Class Blog If you are absent, check out the class blog to see what you missed…

23 Homework Given to help increase your understanding of a topic
Put it on your desk while you work on your lesson starter Will either be checked for correction or completeness

24 Tutoring and Extra Help
If you are falling behind, please let me know Tutoring is available every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:00, with transportation

25 Stoplight System Green - inside voices (lab work, free time)
Yellow - whisper (individual work) Red - NO talking (tests, you make me mad)

26 Schoolwide Policies Literacy SSR 6+1 Read, Analyze, Respond
Communication and Presentations

27 During Notes, Quizzes, Individual Work
Index finger - Restroom Don’t push your luck Peace sign - Sharpen pencil Full hand - Question

28 Check For Understanding
Fist to Five - 1 if you don’t understand, 5 if you can explain it Think, Pair, Share Exit Tickets

29 Emergencies Be CALM Follow the exit plan

30 Keeping Your Notebook Notebook checks
Date and Unit Number on each paper

31 Daily Routine Enter class and immediately begin Lesson Starter/Homework check Review Discussion Objectives of the day New Materials Individual or group activities Closure

32 Lab Equipment We are VERY lucky
Do not touch lab equipment that we are not using Listen to directions before proceeding to the lab area Anyone breaking lab rules will receive a lunch detention and alternate assignment

33 In General Say please and thank you Don’t give up. Ask for help
Enjoy high school NO EXCUSES. PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION Can we do fun science stuff now?

34 Social Contract

35 Unit 1: Scientific Inquiry

36 Unit 2: States of Matter

37 Unit 3: Atomic Structure

38 Unit 4: Chemical Reactions

39 Unit 5: Matter, Force, and Motion

40 Unit 6: Energy, Work, and Power

41 Unit 7: Light and Sound

42 Unit 8: Electricity and Magnetism

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