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College of Liberal Arts

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1 College of Liberal Arts
Shawn Schmelcher EDU-225 Biba John College of Liberal Arts

2 Business Deception

3 Companies are always telling us false hopes of their products
Companies are always telling us false hopes of their products. They do this to entice us to buy their products. After watching the video how many of you thought that the sandwich looked good and that you would like to have it? How many of you realize they “beef” up the video so that it tricks our mind into buying the food. Now when we go to the store we actually end up getting the sandwich on the right. However the company already has our money.

4 McDonalds is not the only company to use business deception to make their customers use or buy their products it is actually used by a lot of companies and we don’t even notice it. Can you think of any companies? Click here for examples. McDonald's Burger King Taco Bell Car dealerships Colgate or any product that say 9 out f 10 doctors Toy companies who show you how easy a product is to play with Pool companies showing you how big their pool is by using small people to show more room.

5 Now I would like every one to think of a time where you were fooled by a business advertisement. Why did it work? How did they draw you in? How come you didn’t realize it at the time? What were your reactions? Did you go back for more? Example for McDonald's Why did it work? I was hungry. How did they draw you in? They food looked very good. How come you didn’t realize it at the time? My stomach overruled my mind. What were your reactions? Disappointment that is didn’t look the same. Did you go back for more? Yes, Because its quick and easy.

6 Lets switch the tables around a little bit
Lets switch the tables around a little bit. Now that we all understand how they fooled us into their products. Its time now to fool others. Come up with a company and a product and use false advertising to get your classmates fooled into buying the product. How can you make your product deceive others like below?

7 Make sure you include the following
Name of the company Type of product Target audience Type of advertisement What the product really looks like What the product will look like in the advertisement Key words to draw the customers in with.

8 Final presentation Present your product to your classmates
Use video, powerpoint, poster board, act it out as if you were the commercial or anything else you can think of that is creative. You will be divided in groups of 2 to 3. So make sure each person has a part in the design and presentation of the product.

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