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(word formation: follow up)

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1 (word formation: follow up)
Lesson 3 (word formation: follow up)

2 Word formation: compounding
Inflection and derivation are two major processes of word formation. The third important mechanism is compounding, i.e. the combination of two or more free morphemes Business class, boy-friend, user-friendly, computer-assisted design, work-of-art, sell-by date

3 Translation problems 1 Derivational suffixes with no equivalent:
WARD WARDS Northwards BOUND inbound/outbound ED blue-eyed ATHON swimathon WISE 1. careerwise, 2. crosswise, clockwise AHOLIC shopaholic, chocoaholic, workaholic

4 Translation procedures: paraphrase
Northward Blue-eyed Swimathon careerwise, crosswise, Clockwise shopaholic, chocoaholic, workaholic


6 Translation problems 3 Suffixes with no equivalent in certain expressions: Employer Lack of equivalents for compounds Buzzword ("Diversity" is the new buzzword in education) Acchiappaodori, assorbiodori mangiaumidità Air freshner Dehumidifier

7 Agriturismo * agritourism
Likn ch. 2 -3

8 In which words can you find the prefix AGRI-, then?
Agribusiness noun [U] /ˈæɡ.riˌbɪz.nɪs/ specialized the various businesses that are connected with producing, preparing, and selling farm products

9 agribusiness Agribusiness and agrifood sector are synonims

10 Another resource for translators: Corpora
Corpus = collection of texts assumed to be representative of a given language put together so that it can be used for linguistic analysis. Usually the assumption is that the language stored in a corpus is naturally-occurring, gathered according to explicit design criteria, with a specific purpose in mind (Tognini Bonelli 2001)

11 Corpora Reference c. Specialised c. monolingual multilingual
comparable parallel

12 Online corpora The freely searchable 450-million-word Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the largest corpus of American English currently available, and the only publicly available corpus of American English to contain a wide array of texts from a number of genres.

13 (2:05 – 7:10) What mechanisms of word-formation are mentioned in the video?


15 How can you render bromance in Italian?
Blend explained + definition

16 glamping

17 Glamping

18 Would you opt for a forignising or domesticating translation? Why?
How would you translate it? Il camping si fa glamour


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