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Radiation damage at cellular and DNA level

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1 Radiation damage at cellular and DNA level
Petteri Nieminen ESA/ESTEC Maria Grazia Pia INFN Genova and CERN

2 Simulation of radiation damage at cellular level
Geant3 (and other legacy packages) traditional “digitization-style” approach physics processes generate macroscopic quantities (dose) interfaced to independent parameterised models to evaluate cell damage, cell survival etc. Geant4 native approach, thanks to Geant4 powerful OO design capability to model DNA as a “geometry” in Geant4 capability to handle biochemical processes in Geant4 Geant4-DNA Collaboration ESA General Study, in collaboration with INFN

3 Astronaut safety, exobiology
ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Interactions of radiation with biological systems at cellular and DNA level a, C, Fe, ... New Geant4 -based activity in the ESA General Studies Programme Biological and chemical factors... Contractor INFN Genova; network of 20 scientists at INFN, CERN, ESA, and the Italian National Institute for Cancer Research Heavy ions particularly harmful Astronaut safety, exobiology

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