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Vocabulary Workshop Unit 15

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1 Vocabulary Workshop Unit 15

2 adopt to take another person’s child into one’s family; to use as one’s own; to accept or approve

3 agile capable of moving easily, quickly, and gracefully; mentally quick

4 analyze to study the parts of something in order to understand what it is, how it is put together, or how it works; to study carefully or in detail

5 assist To give help or support
The act of helping; in sports, an action that helps a teammate score or get a player out

6 babble to talk foolishly or too much; to make meaningless sounds; to make a gurgling sound a mix of meaningless sounds; usually as made by water

7 captivity the state of being confined or held against one’s will

8 drab an olive brown or brownwish gray color
marked by dullness; like the color drab; cheerless

9 fatal causing death, destruction, or ruin

10 generosity the quality of being charitable to others in thought or action; willingness to give; an act of giving

11 genuine real, actually being what something appears to be; true or reliable, sincere or honest

12 illegal against the law; against the rule

13 merit the fact of deserving something; a quality that deserves reward or praise; worth or value to deserve, be worthy of

14 genuine. agile. babble. analyze fatal. generosity illegal
genuine agile babble analyze fatal generosity illegal adopt captivity merit assist drab

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