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Main Developments in American History

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1 Main Developments in American History
Chapter 2: The New World Main Developments in American History

2 The Civil War to the Second World War (pp. 93-99)
A Industrial Growth and Cultural Change B From Isolation to Involvement C Disillusionment and the Roaring Twenties D Depression and the New Deal

3 A.1 Industrial Growth and Cultural Change – Economic Expansion
The frontier ends and all Native American lands controlled The population more than triples within 60 years 23 million new immigrants arrive, mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe America becomes the largest industrial power in the world

4 A.2 Industrial Growth and Cultural Change – E Pluribus Unum
Massive immigration to the cities frightens some Americans Some Americans contend that WASPs are racially superior to the newcomers Newly arrived Americans bring innovative ideas, talents and new cultural variety ”E Pluribus Unum” (In variety, Unity) takes on an added meaning

5 B.1 From Isolation to Involvement – Avoiding Entanglements
The USA condemns European imperialism It traditionally avoids getting involved in European conflicts The Spanish-American War provides the US with its first overseas colonies America becomes dependent on foreign trade

6 B.2 From Isolation to Involvement – Getting Involved
America declares its neutrality at the outbreak of WWI The country is gradually drawn into conflict with Germany America enters the ”War to End All Wars” Potential American military power tips the balance to victory for the Allies

7 C.1 Disillusionment and the Roaring Twenties – Turning Inwards
Americans hope for a just and lasting peace after WWI They are bitterly disappointed by the Versailles peace accords The American Senate rejects President Wilson’s League of Nations The US turns inwards and away from the world

8 C.2 Disillusionment and the Roaring Twenties – The Consumer Economy
The Roaring Twenties witness a rapidly expanding new consumer economy Material wealth and pleasure take center stage A new, more permissive morality appears Illegal alcohol becomes widespread

9 D.1 Depression and the New Deal – The Great Depression
Too little buying power undermines the consumer economy Farmers suffer from heavy debt and low crop prices Stock market speculation ends in the crash of 1929 By 1932 the Great Depression leaves fifteen million people unemployed

10 D.2 Depression and the New Deal – Reviving America
1930s: Americans become disillusioned with the free market The federal government is given greater powers with the New Deal Federal efforts to revive the economy are largely successful The start of WWII ends the New Deal

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