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Strategic Objectives To establish the Commission as the focal point in the delivery of free and fair elections To develop and implement human resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Objectives To establish the Commission as the focal point in the delivery of free and fair elections To develop and implement human resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Report 2005 / 06 Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 27 February 2007

2 Strategic Objectives To establish the Commission as the focal point in the delivery of free and fair elections To develop and implement human resources management and development systems To prepare and maintain a high quality voters’ roll To offer high-quality electoral services in order to facilitate voting by all eligible voters

3 Strategic Objectives (cont.)
To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes To maintain and consolidate organisational systems and infrastructure in preparation for future elections To operate and maintain sound financial management systems, including internal controls

4 Strategic Objective 1: To establish the Commission as the focal point in the delivery of free and fair elections Conducted successful municipal elections on 1 March 2006, which were declared free and fair by observers HSRC Survey (October 2005) found overall positive attitude towards elections and the IEC Provided technical assistance and participated in observer missions to several countries in other parts of Africa and elsewhere Assists with elections for other organisations such as SGBs, SRCs and trustees of corporate bodies

5 Strategic Objective 2: To develop and implement human resources management and development systems
Implementation of Employment Equity plan Line managers required to consider targets and ensure that they are reflected in decisions affecting employment and development of staff Challenges which remain include under-representation of females at some levels of the IEC Review of performance management system 44 posts remained vacant Establishment of Staff Association One employee was found guilty of financial misconduct and disciplinary steps were taken against another for reasons other than financial misconduct

6 Strategic Objective 3: To prepare and maintain a high quality voters’ roll
Certified voters roll for 2006 municipal elections contained registered voters 51% were female Significant increase on registered for 2000 municipal elections Two registration weekends were held resulting in more than 1.5 million voters being registered or re-registered in correct voting districts 3 September 2005 19 and 20 November 2005

PROVINCE VDs* 1999 VDs 2000 (% change) VDs 2004 VDs 2006 Eastern Cape 2 646 3 087 (17) 4 115 (33) 4 368 (6) Free State 1 075 1 061 (-1) 1 063 (0,2) 1 186 (12) Gauteng 1 841 1 979 (8) 2 098 (6) 2 172 (4) KwaZulu–Natal 3 340 3 342 (0,1) 3 556 (6) 4 064 (14) Mpumalanga 877 1 023 (17) 1 128 (10) 1 259 (12) Northern Cape 357 396 (11) 412 (4) 621 (51) Limpopo 1 954 1 796 (-8) 2 000 (11) 2 274 (14) North West 1 252 1 020 (-19) 1 246 (22) 1 488 (16) Western Cape 1 308 1 290 (-1) 1 348 (5) 1 441 (7) TOTAL 14 650 (2) (13) (11)

Province Wards: 2000 ‘06 (%) VDs*: 2000 ‘06 (% change) Voters: 2000 2006 (% change) EC 569 636 (12) 2909 4368 (50) (21) FS 291 300 (3) 1061 1186 (12) (8) Gauteng 420 423 (0,7) 1932 2172 (12) (12) KZN 780 771 (-1) 3514 4064 (16) (9) MP 364 365 (0,2) 982 1259 (28) (14) NC 173 174 (0,5) 396 621 (57) (17) Limpopo 474 513 (8) 1837 2274 (24) (18) NW 353 365 (3) 1067 1488 (39) (16) W Cape 330 348 (5) 1290 1441 (12) (18) TOTAL 3 754 3 895 (4) 14 988 18 873(26) (14)

9 Strategic Objective 3: To prepare and maintain a high quality voters’ roll
IEC cooperated with DHA to deliver IDs and register voters Voters, on average, spent less time in queues than in previous elections Number of wards was increased from (in 2000) to (in 2006) A number of voting districts was split as a result of re-delimiting of wards and affected voters had to re-register

10 Strategic Objective 4: To offer high-quality electoral services in order to facilitate voting by all eligible voters 237 local representatives known as MEOs Normally employees of municipalities 422 EPCs assist them in performing day-to-day activities Staff structure expanded to assist in preparations for elections, including 599 area project coordinators 3 938 area managers Logistical Expertise also applied to assist with DRC elections through training courses

11 Strategic Objective 4: To offer high-quality electoral services in order to facilitate voting by all eligible voters voting stations were used in 2006 municipal elections 65% are schools A large number were the same as were used in 2004 elections National survey identified some challenges 26% of permanent VSs do not have electricity; 11% do not have toilets; 18% do not have water IEC cooperates with landlords, government departments and other stakeholders to develop facilities at voting stations

12 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes 155 political parties were registered; of which 97 participated in the 2006 municipal elections 33 new parties participated in the municipal elections candidates were nominated for the 2006 elections were party ward candidates 667 were independent candidates were party list candidates 45% were female were between ages of 18 and 35

13 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes 932 candidates were disqualified for the following reasons: Not being on voters’ roll Not being on correct segment of voters’ roll Not submitting prescribed documents and or deposit 11 of wards were uncontested Party Liaison Committees at all levels assisted with the resolution of disputes National voter turn out of 48.4% was achieved during municipal elections

14 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes 76 by-elections were held to fill ward vacancies due to Resignations of 30 councillors Deaths of 40 councillors 4 councillors ceasing to be members of parties that nominated them Imprisonment of 2 councillors

Province Municipalities Wards Voting districts Eastern Cape 7 8 43 Free State 3 9 Gauteng 11 48 KwaZulu-Natal 16 17 56 Limpopo Mpumalanga 4 5 North West 46 Northern Cape 10 Western Cape 27 TOTAL 59 76 266

16 Women councillors (Original) No. of women councillors (New) Change
CHANGE IN NUMBER OF WOMEN COUNCILLORS IN 76 AFFECTED WARDS THROUGH BY-ELECTIONS Province Women councillors (Original) No. of women councillors (New) Change Eastern Cape 2 Free State Gauteng 1 4 3 KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North West Northern Cape Western Cape TOTAL 11 25 14

17 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes Centre for Elections Learning launched on 26 July 2005 Vision: “To create internationally qualified election administrators who are an asset to the nation, to the continent and to the world” Foundation blocks of training operations: Learning model made up of different levels Certified and registered curriculum Competent trainers User-friendly materials Performance measures

18 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes IEC’s training of registration and election officers based on international best practices and national skills development strategy for centres of excellence An internal pool of trainers is regularly commissioned to fulfil training needs at various levels Investment in IEC staff

19 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes 283 municipalities 6 Metros 231 Local Councils 46 District Councils Four different ballot papers were used during municipal elections Ward ballots for metros and local councils with wards PR ballots for metros and local councils PR ballots for district councils PR ballots for DMAs

20 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes National results centre was set up at the Tshwane Events Centre; results centres were also set up in 9 provinces Results centres served as operational and media hubs for monitoring and reporting on elections

21 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes Electoral Democracy Development and Education (EDDE) includes Schools voter education Voter education for by-elections Education for people with special needs Stakeholder management and outreach Mass education Multimedia education

22 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes Schools voter education Infusion of electoral democracy in the General Education and Training band in a limited number of schools Implementation focussed on human rights and elections, politics and elections, SA constitution, electoral systems and processes, balloting education, and participation

23 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes Democracy Education Partnerships with faith-based and civil society organisations Conferences and national meetings Women in politics Traditional authorities Trade unions Youth organisations Farming sector

24 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes Comprehensive communication campaigns were conducted “The Power of X” Aimed at voter registration and Election Day Communication tools Electronic media Billboards Print media Leaflets

25 Strategic Objective 5: To ensure maximum political participation and to inform voters on electoral processes Public call centre received calls Public website received 7.5 million hits voters checked registration details via SMS voters used ATM technology to check registration details

26 Strategic Objective 6: To maintain and consolidate organisational systems and infrastructure in preparation for future elections Stable and consistent infrastructure exists at the national office, 9 provincial offices, and more than 300 local offices During 2006 municipal elections: No outside intrusions were experienced with IT systems results slips were captured in 50 hours, compared to in 67 hours in 2004

27 Strategic Objective 6: To maintain and consolidate organisational systems and infrastructure in preparation for future elections Number of IT services were available to the public: Internet facilities (e.g., “Am I registered?”) Call centre Integrated Voice Response system SMS facility ATM technology

28 Strategic Objective 7: To operate and maintain sound financial management systems, including internal controls Financial control systems functioned effectively Recommendations by internal and external audits were implemented Statutory monthly reports were submitted to National Treasury on or before the 15th of each month

29 Strategic Objective 7: To operate and maintain sound financial management systems, including internal controls Effective implementation and management of electronic procurement system Stringent audits of companies considered for contracts Implementation of National Treasury reporting requirements Implementation of contract management system Implementation of asset management system Skills development for supply chain management functions

30 Strategic Objective 7: To operate and maintain sound financial management systems, including internal controls Contributions to Black Economic Empowerment and Small Business 441 contracts awarded of which 339 (+/- R60 million) went to BEE companies 92% of bids awarded via eProcurement auctions went to BEE companies 8.84% of contracts were awarded to non-SMMEs

31 Strategic Objective 7: To operate and maintain sound financial management systems, including internal controls Internal Audit Review statutory reports to National Treasury Review and report on control and authorisation processes for procurement Conduct audits in selected MEO offices and all provincial offices Review HR records Monitor asset verification

32 Strategic Objective 7: Funds received and spent
The Commission received R million from the state; Sundry income of R million, consisting largely of interest earned was generated bringing the total income to R million; All the funds had been accounted for and disclosed in the financial statements; The Commission received an unqualified audit report from the Auditor General for the last financial year.

33 Main Activities of Strategic Objective 7 Finance
Continue to ensure that the financial management system promote the objectives of the PFMA and Treasury Regulations Continue to improve financial management systems to ensure that they are integrated, fast and user friendly. Strive to obtain an unqualified report from the Auditor General.

34 Strategic Objective 7: Accounting Policy
The Annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) with the prescribed Standards of GRAP which replace the equivalent Standards of GAAP. Recognition and measurement principles in GAAP and GRAP do not result in material differences, it is only the terminology that changed. Financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis.

35 Strategic Objective 7: Audit Report
The Electoral Commission has been getting an unqualified audit report since its inception. The Electoral Commission also received an unqualified audit report for the 2006 financial year.

36 EXPENDITURE: Standard Items
Strategic Objective 7: Actual Expenditure vs Budget Summary : Economic Classification Report for the year ended 31 March 2006 EXPENDITURE: Standard Items Total Expenditure 2005/2006 Budget (Including Adjustments Estimate Variance – Saving / (over-expenditure) Variance - % Personnel Expenditure R’000 237, 829 R’ ,884 R’000 3,055 1.3% Administrative Expenditure 253, 030 271,075 18,045 6.6% Stock 77,935 84,570 6,635 7.8% Equipment 11,454 11,685 0,231 2% Land & Buildings 46,619 47,231 612 Professional & Special Services 272,955 285,607 12,652 4.4% Miscellaneous Expenses 68 75 7 9,3% Depreciation 23,330 0% Deficit on Disposal of Assets 36 100% TOTAL EXPENDITURE 923,256 964,457 41,237 Click

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