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Contains glands that release their material inside of the body

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1 Contains glands that release their material inside of the body
Endocrine System Contains glands that release their material inside of the body

2 Hypophysis Know 2 division: Adenohypophysis ( anterior ½) H/F
Neurohpophysis (posterior ½) H/F it has fibers and is lighter

3 Parathyroid Gland Just Identify it and know H/F

4 Thyroid Gland Know Thyroid follicle Thyroid colloid
Follicular cells H/F Parafollicular cells H/F

5 PANCREAS Know Acini cells Islet of Langerhans
Alpha cells ( found at edges H/F) Beta cells ( found in center H/F)

6 Adrenal Gland Know: Adrenal cortex and its sublayers:
Zona glomerulosa (loops and circles _ H/F) Zona fasiculata (widest H/F) Zona reticularis ( netlike with brown spots H/F) Adrenal medulla H/F Capsule

7 Adrenal Gland

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