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History of Management Thought

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1 History of Management Thought

2 Schools of Management Thought

3 Schools of Management Thought
Classical School Behavioral School Management Science School

4 Classical School “One best way to manage”
It is management’s job to ascertain the best way to perform a job, then teach that method to workers. The same philosophy applies to running the organization (the manager’s job)

5 Scientific Management
The Scientific Method applied to work

6 Scientific Management
Observation Measurement Logic Analysis

7 Frederick Taylor The “Father of Scientific Management”

8 Taylor & Scientific Management
Experiment in Iron Foundry Shoveling Coal

9 Taylor & Shoveling Coal
Standard Operating Procedure: Hire the man with the shovel

10 Taylor & Shoveling Coal
New Idea: Use standardized shovels!!!

11 Taylor & Shoveling Coal
Optimal shovel size for the average worker: 21 ½ pounds

12 Loading Pig Iron Intermediate product in the processing of iron ore into steel

13 Taylor & Loading Pig Iron
Before: Average load of 12 ½ tons per day After: Average load of _____ tons per day Wages increased ____%

14 Taylor & Loading Pig Iron
Productivity gain for company More money for worker Worker was less fatigued at end of day

15 Scientific Management
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth Motion & Time Studies Therbligs

16 Gilbreths Brick-laying

17 Gilbreths Cheaper By the Dozen
World War I telegram to President Wilson: Arriving Washington 7:03 pm. If you don’t know how to use me, I’ll tell you.

18 Scientific Management
Application of the Scientific Method to work Selection of the most capable workers Provide resources to workers

19 Scientific Management
Train the workers Provide fair pay incentives to workers (share productivity gains)

20 Scientific Management: Bastardized Version
Application of the Scientific Method to work Selection of the most capable workers Provide resources to workers Train the workers

21 Behavioral School aka Human Relations School
Genesis was in an experiment in Scientific Management

22 Behavioral School Western Electric Hawthorne plant in Cicero, Illinois
Hawthorne Studies

23 Hawthorne Studies Experiment in lighting conditions Experimental group
Control group

24 Hawthorne Studies (storybook version)
Increased lighting associated with increased productivity!! Decreased lighting associated with _________ productivity?? Who ya’ gonna call?

25 Hawthorne Studies Elton Mayo Researcher from Harvard
Workers were not reacting to the changes in lighting

26 Hawthorne Studies Workers were not reacting to the conditions of the experiment Workers were reacting to being in an experiment “Hawthorne Effect”

27 Classical vs. Behavioral
Two diametrically opposed views Which view do you hold?

28 Management Science School
Management Science is NOT the same as Scientific Management Originated in the Polaris missile project

29 Management Science A problem is defined, and a model of the situation is developed The model simplifies reality or represents reality in an abstract manner

30 Management Science Step One: Develop a model of the problem or situation Step Two: Quantify the variables

31 Management Science A politically incorrect example

32 Management Science No underage! No drink and drive!

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