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Mid-Eighteenth Century Rivalries and Wars

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1 Mid-Eighteenth Century Rivalries and Wars

2 International relations were unstable in the mid-eighteenth century
This led to prolonged periods of warfare Due mainly to … Colonial Rivalries Meddling in internal power struggles of other nations Diplomats assumed warfare could and should be used to further national interests

3 Wars did not involve the civilian population
Most viewed war as an opportunity for the nation to grow in strength Power rivalries were in two areas … Overseas empires Central and eastern Europe Two were interrelated by alliances and strategic concerns

4 England’s Triumph

5 French Attitudes France was less interested in overseas possessions than in dominating the continent Since 16 century France had worked to gain territory and combat Hapsburg power and growth in Spain and Austria 1758 … General Montcalm … desperate need for additional troops in Canada to oppose the British … “one does not attempt to save the stable when the house is on fire”

6 Colonial Philosophy More Englishmen than Frenchmen emigrated to the colonies By ,000 English along Atlantic coast in America 20,000 French scattered throughout Canada and Mississippi

7 French refused to allow Huguenots to emigrate
British, religious liberty in America French soil rich … less reason to leave In England, large scale enclosures restricted land and limited ability to make a living Generous sprinkling of English gentry … John Winthrop 1776 … two million colonists in America … 1/ 3 of the English-speaking world

8 Industry Development of British industry was far ahead of France
Thirty Years’ War … need for arms manufacturing … England supplied belligerents on the continent French output by 1700 was equal, but with four times the population France manufactured luxuries England, cloth and hardware

9 Military British emphasis on NAVY
French on army … related to preoccupation with Europe, NOT America

10 The War of Jenkin’s Ear Rivalry between England and Spain in West Indies (Caribbean) British smugglers and pirates eroded Spanish monopoly Treaty of Utrecht (1713) gave English two things 30-year asiento (contract) to furnish slaves to Spanish Right to send one ship each year to Portobello

11 British smugglers constantly sought advantages, snuck additional ships into ports
Spanish began to search British ships 1731 – during one of the searches a fight broke out Spaniards cut off the ear of the captain, Robert Jenkins Jenkins carried the ear with him in a jar of brandy

12 The pickled ear of Captain Robert Jenkins became a rallying point for Englishmen eager to challenge Spanish power in the New World. The 1738 satirical cartoon depicts Prime Minister Robert Walpole swooning when confronted with the Spanish-sliced ear, which led to the War of Jenkins' Ear in 1739.

13 England went to war with Spain in 1739
What might have been a brief war involving two countries became a series of wars involving all of Europe because of political events on the continent

14 War of Austrian Succession 1740-1748
1740 – Frederick II seized the Austrian province of Silesia in eastern Germany This lack of respect for Hapsburg territory had to be resisted or it could lead to more (appeasement?) Maria Theresa acted boldly in opposing Frederick Austria did NOT regain Silesia, but situation allowed Maria Theresa to consolidate power and further unify Hapsburg rule in Hungary

15 Louis XV supported Prussia against Austria
War over Silesia and Austrian succession could have remained separate from the war between England and Spain except… France got involved Louis XV supported Prussia against Austria France support for Prussia led to the consolidation of a new powerful state in Germany (foreshadowing anyone?) French move against Austria brought England into the conflict to keep Belgium under Austrian control and away from France


17 1744 – British v. French conflict expanded beyond Europe
France decided to support Spain against Britain in the New World France military and economic resources were spread very thin Conflict ended in 1748 (Aix-la-Chapelle) Prussia got Silesia Spain renewed contact with Britain Largely a stalemate … truce NOT a permanent peace

18 Switching Partners Diplomatic Revolution of 1756
England signed an alliance with Prussia England had always allied with Austria since the time of Louis XIV in mid 17th century Now suddenly joined Austria’s main enemy France signed with Austria Austria sought France out to help destroy Prussia France would fight to ensure Austrian supremacy in central Europe

19 Seven Years’ War Again, Frederick II (Prussia) precipitated a European War that extended into colonial territory 1756 – Prussia invaded Saxony 1757 – Alliance of Austria, France, Sweden, Russia, smaller German states set out to destroy Prussia


21 Frederick the Great Frederick II became known as Frederick the Great during this war His brilliance, stubborn leadership Britain poured money into Prussia … financial support made survival possible 1762 Empress Elizabeth of Russia died … successor was Peter III. He admired Frederick. He made peace with Russia Prussia was now freed from the burden of a “two-front war”


23 End of the Continental Conflict
Treaty of Hubertusburg in 1763 ended the continental war. No real changes in prewar borders Silesia remained Prussian Prussia was clearly an elite power in Europe


25 Frederick II Prussia Maria Theresa Austria Louis XV France

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