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Mixed-Mode BIST Based on Column Matching

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Presentation on theme: "Mixed-Mode BIST Based on Column Matching"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixed-Mode BIST Based on Column Matching
Petr Fišer

2 Outline Introduction to BIST State-of-the-art Methods Mixed-Mode BIST
Column-Matching Method Experimental Results A Summary of That Everything Conclusions What Could Be Done Yet

3 Introduction to BIST The BIST Structure Generate test patterns
Apply the patterns to the circuit Evaluate the response

4 Present BIST Method Mixed-Mode BIST
Combination of pseudo-random and deterministic BIST The easy-to-detect faults are detected by pseudo-random patterns Some patterns are generated deterministically, to detect the hard-to-detect faults

5 State-of-the-art Methods
Reseeding The pseudo-random test patterns are generated by LFSR, more LFSR seeds are applied Weighted Pattern BIST Change the probability of occurrence of 1s and 0s in the PR sequence Bit-Fixing, Bit-Flipping, Row-matching Modify the PR patterns by additional logic

6 Mixed-Mode BIST Combination of pseudo-random and deterministic BIST
Two disjoint phases Simple control logic Simple design process

7 Column-Matching LFSR produces code words
These have to be transformed into deterministic patterns (computed by ATPG) => Output Decoder

8 Column-Matching Basic Principle
Try to reorder test patterns, so that most of the Decoder outputs will be implemented as wires – A Column Match This will be accomplished when the particular columns of the LFSR and test matrix will be equal Direct match – even the Switch logic is eliminated

9 Column-Matching Example y0 = x4’ + x1 y1 = x3’ y2 = x2 x3’ + x2’ x4’

10 Mixed-Mode Column-Matching
Simulate first n LFSR patterns Determine undetected faults Compute a test for them (ATPG) Design the Decoder producing test from LFSR patterns > n

11 Mixed-Mode Column-Matching

12 Mixed-Mode Column-Matching

13 Experimental Results Column-matching Bit-fixing Row-matching Bench TL
GEs c880 1 K 10.5 27 21 c1355 2 K 15 3 K 11 c1908 7.5 4 K 12 4.5 K 8 c2670 5 K 172 121 119 c3540 13 4 c7552 8 K 586 10 K 186 297 s420 24.5 28 - s641 6 s713 16.5 s838 6 K 130 37 s1196 36

14 Experimental Results Bench inps 100% FC TL (PR + Det.) M DM Overhead
Time [s] c2670 233 2.4 M 1 K + 1 K 193 173 19 % 166 c7552 207 > 100 M 7 K + 1 K 131 33 500 s420 34 165 K 3 K + 1 K 35 21 11 % 0.41 s641 54 200 K 44 6 % 0.21 s713 300 K 42 5 % 0.32 s838 67 37 13 32 % 26.20 s1196 32 9 K + 1 K 28 1 % 0.04 s5378 214 80 K 20 K + 1 K 205 0.98 s9234 247 10 M 50 K + 1 K 208 138 8 % 350 s 700 100 K 10 K + 1 K 696 137 s 611 > 10 M 478 346 9 % 812 s38417 1664 100 K + 2 K 1503 834 17 K s 1464 > 1 G 100 K + 1 K 1354 b07 50 0.5 b12 126 5 M 118 104 7 % 25 b14 277 100 M / 1 K 90 58 56 % b15 485 1 M / 2 K 263 158 44 % 65 K

15 What Has Not Been Said Here Yet
Well, there were more problems that had to be solved: How to choose the lengths of the phases How to improve the fault coverage in the pseudo-random phase How to generate test vectors. Or better - what vectors to generate How to choose the columns to be matched How to find out if a particular column match is possible to be done How to synthesize the Decoder logic

16 How to choose the lengths of the phases
Some trade-off has to be found The PR-phase length influences fault coverage achieved  number of undetected faults  number of deterministic vectors to be generated The Deterministic phase length influences the design time and BIST area overhead Fišer, P. - Kubátová, H.: Influence of the Test Lengths on Area Overhead in Mixed-Mode BIST, Proc. 9th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC'04), Tallinn (Estonia), , pp

17 How to improve the fault coverage in the pseudo-random phase
What LFSR polynomial and seed to choose? Or a CA? Or to modify the patterns somehow? Fišer, P. - Kubátová, H.: Pseudorandom Testability - Study of the Effect of the Generator Type, ECI'04, Herľany, SR, , pp Fišer, P. - Kubátová, H.: Improvement of the Fault Coverage of the Pseudo-Random Phase in Column Matching BIST, Proc. 31th Euromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design (DSD'05), Porto, (Portugal), , pp Fišer, P. - Kubátová, H.: Pseudorandom Testability - Study of the Effect of the Generator Type, Acta Polytechnica, Vol. 2, August 2005, CVUT, ISSN , pp

18 How to generate test vectors. Or better - what vectors to generate
It’s better to generate deterministic vectors having many don’t cares And moreover – we can improve the result by generating more vectors per one fault. It costs time, but the area overhead is smaller Well, it’s already done, there are positive results, but no publication yet.

19 How to choose the columns to be matched
NP-hard Heuristic methods have to be used Fast-search and Thorough-search methods proposed Fišer, P. - Kubátová, H.: Survey of the Algorithms in the Column-Matching BIST Method, Proc. 10th International On-Line Testing Symposium 2004 (IOLTS'04), Madeira, Portugal, , pp. 181

20 How to find out if a particular column match is possible to be done
NP-C, if don’t cares are present in the test B-Matrix based approach Fišer, P. - Hlavička, J. - Kubátová, H.: Column-Matching BIST Exploiting Test Don't-Cares. Proc. 8th IEEE Europian Test Workshop (ETW'03), Maastricht (The Netherlands), , pp

21 How to synthesize the Decoder logic
Two-level Boolean minimizer required BOOM, FC-Min, BOOM-II developed Hlavička, J. - Fišer, P.: BOOM - a Heuristic Boolean Minimizer. Proc. International Conference on Computer-Aided Design ICCAD 2001, San Jose, California (USA), , pp Fišer, P. - Hlavička, J. - Kubátová, H.: FC-Min: A Fast Multi-Output Boolean Minimizer, Proc. 29th Euromicro Symposium on Digital Systems Design (DSD'03), Antalya (TR), , pp Fišer, P. - Hlavička, J.: BOOM - A Heuristic Boolean Minimizer, Computers and Informatics, Vol. 22, 2003, No. 1, pp Fišer, P. - Kubátová, H.: Two-Level Boolean Minimizer BOOM-II, Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Boolean Problems (IWSBP'04), Freiberg, Germany, , pp … and more

22 Conclusions Column-matching-based mixed-mode BIST method has been presented Pseudo-random LFSR patterns are being transformed into deterministic vectors generated by ATPG by the Decoder We try to match as many of the Decoder outputs as possible with its inputs, which yields no logic necessary to implement these outputs Mixed-mode – two disjoint BIST phases introduced Many more “minor” problems involved

23 What Could Be Done Yet Adjust the width of a PRPG
More sophisticated methods should be found, to find a proper PRPG Incorporate the ATPG into the design process – iterative test computation Test-per-scan support Partitioning of the CUT Combine CM-BIST with other methods

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