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Evaluating The Canadian Lifesaving Program

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating The Canadian Lifesaving Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating The Canadian Lifesaving Program
By Taz Hartwick

2 Why Do We Evaluate? Serves as a measurement of progress and learning
Gives instructors an understanding of what they still need to cover or review Allows instructors to determine : Knowledge Skills Fitness Judgment

3 The Job Of An Evaluator Decision making: Giving feedback:
Can the candidate show you the ITEM at a passable level? What is a passable level? Have they passed the course? Giving feedback: What are the main points requiring feedback Do you need to do any additional teaching?

4 What We Need To Remember
Our Award Guides are our best-friend The tools we use to evaluate will vary with the ITEMS Continuous evaluation is important and constant Looking for improvements Mastering skills Evaluations need to be consistent and fair

5 Using Award Guides Review the role of the award guides for Instructors
Test Item Description Purpose Statement Must Sees Notes

6 So You Have An Award Guide…
Notes Suggestions, explanations, or limitations for the instructor and the examiner. If in doubt, measure the performance against the purpose. Must Sees If candidates perform with the necessary judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness to achieve the purpose, then they are probably performing at or above the required standard.

7 Evaluation Methods The way you evaluate can depend on the following factors: The test item Number of candidates Times and space available Equipment required.

8 Evaluating Skill Items
There is a difference between: Demonstrate – which means straightforward skill demonstrations Perform a Rescue – which means perform in a rescue situation where judgment is applied Are the Must Sees met? Find Examples in Award Guide

9 Evaluating Knowledge Knowledge if best measured during practical items, when performance alone reveals candidate’s knowledge. A separate evaluation of theoretical knowledge is necessary only for material that is not easily integrated into the examination. Where a separate evaluation is necessary

10 Evaluating Rescues Ensure situations are appropriate for the ward level. Note different rescues have different purposes. Note almost all “must see’s” are the rescuers checklist.

11 Evaluating Swimming Ensure endurance swim is continuous.
Students have ample attempts to complete the swim. Students must complete the endurance swim in the designated time. You need to record their laps yourself.

12 Evaluating the fitness challenge
See award guide. What is required of this item? What rate must students swim at to pass this item?

13 Formal vs. Continuous evaluation
Within Formal evaluation students know they are being evaluated and are put in examination setting. Continual evaluation students may not realized they are being evaluated but feed back is being given and progress is recorded.

14 Incomplete Sim…. Do you want hints?

15 So You Have to Fail Someone….
If they fail tell them right away Outline what went well in the course for the candidate Outline what did not go well for the candidate What do they need to work on to be successful next time Are you willing to give them additional time? Document everything

16 Forms and sending things in
How do we do the paper work? what are temp cards? How do we get their info? Can we just pass the sheet around?

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