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Sentence Structure Lesson IN COLOR!

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Structure Lesson IN COLOR!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Structure Lesson IN COLOR!
Clauses and Phrases Sentence Structure Lesson IN COLOR!

2 What is a Clause? A subject and verb working together I am.
Reading is fun. I study hard so I get good grades. Mike went to the park and Shelly cleaned.

3 What is a phrase? A group of words related to the subject or verb.
Hiding under the table, the dog knew he was bad. Mickey Mouse, the world’s best anime character, enraged the student.

4 Conjunctions Join words, clauses, and phrases. Examples
Rob and I went to the movies. She is good at singing and great at dancing. We ordered pizza, but we couldn’t pay for it.

5 Conjunctions After If When Although Nor Whenever And As Or So Where
Wherever Because Since While Before Though Yet But For Unless Until

6 Dependent Clauses Cannot stand by themselves.
Do not express a complete thought. Conjunction + Subject + Verb Examples Unless you want to go. Because I care. When you lose your cool.

7 Independent Clause Can stand by itself or with a dependent.
Expresses a complete thought. Subject + Predicate (no conjunction) Examples I ran. Fractions are fun to some people. Pizza tastes good after a long swim.

8 Craig, my old friend, did not pick up the phone when I called because he was busy.
This example sentence has 3 clauses in it! It is a complex sentence because it has one INDEPENDENT clause and 2 DEPENDENT (or SUBORDINATE) clauses. The underlined parts include the SUBJECT (something or someone) and the verb (what did he/it DO).

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