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The scientific revolution of the 16th century

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1 The scientific revolution of the 16th century
Ms. G

2 Ancient observers Geocentric Model
Mayans, Greeks, and Chinese: Noticed patterns of stars didn’t change over time, and stayed in position relative to one another Thought the earth was the center of the universe

3 Ptolemy’s model geocentric model
Greek astronomer A.D. 140 Believed the planets moved in small circles carried along in bigger circles, and these motions were fairly accurate

4 Aristotle geocentric model
Well respected philosopher; his studies became engrained in Christian theology Stated that if a ball thrown in the air came strait down in the same place it was thrown from, the earth had to be stationary

5 Aristarchus 1st developed the heliocentric model
Greek scientist and educator

6 Nicolaus Copernicus heliocentric MOdel
Polish astronomer and priest Founded his theory in 1515, but Published his work in 1543 (other theorists like Giordano Bruno faced charges of heresy, and were burned at the stake) Stated the earth was a planet like Venus or Saturn and all planets circled the sun

7 Galileo Galilei heliocentric model
In 1610, he pointed his telescope to the sky… Saw that moons orbited Jupiter Observed the phases of Venus He was charged of heresy, exiled and placed on house arrest by the Roman Inquisition

8 Johannes Kepler heliocentric model
German mathematician Around the same time Galileo was working on his findings, Kepler published a series of laws that describe the orbits of the planets around the sun He provided accurate predictions of the planet’s movement under Copernican Theory He became the assistant to a wealthy astronomer…

9 Tycho Brahe Heliocentric model
Asked Kepler to define the orbit of Mars Passed a lifetime of astronomical observations to Kepler He withheld his belief in the geocentric model from Kepler, because he did not want his work used to prove the Copernican theory

10 Newton’s Laws of Motion
Thinking on Kepler’s laws, Newton realized that all motion, whether it was the orbit of the Moon around the Earth or an apple falling from a tree, followed the same basic principles. Law 1: a moving body won’t change speed or direction unless an outside force acts upon it Law 2: F=ma the strength of force is defined by how much it changes the motion of an object with some mass Law 3: Every action has an opposite and equal reaction Law of Universal Gravitation: all objects exert gravity on other objects


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