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Fundamentals of Law and Government

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Law and Government"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Law and Government
Doctrines of Government Part 2: Nationalism, Fascism, Nazism, Racism, Libertarianism

2 Nationalism What is nationalism?
What is the origin of the concept of nationalism? What are the principles of nationalism?

3 When did nationalism become an important political movement?
Is nationalism a right wing or a left wing political movement? What is integral nationalism?

4 Who was Johann Gottfried Herder?
Who was Johann Gottlieb Fichte?

5 Fascism What is fascism? What is the origin of the concept of fascism? What are the principles of fascism?

6 When did fascism become distinct political movement?
Who is Benito Mussolini? Was there a fascism outside of Italy?

7 Nazism What is nazism? What is the origin of the concept of national socialism? What are the principles of national socialism? Who is the creator of nazism?

8 Who was Adolf Hitler? Who was Alfred Rosenberg? Was Carl Schmitt a nazi?

9 Racism What is racism? What is the connection between racism and anthropology?

10 Who was Arthur de Gobineau?
Who was Georges Vacher de Lapouge? Who was Stewart Chamberlain?

11 Libertarianism What is libertarianism?
What are the core ideas of libertarianism? What is the difference between liberalism and libertarianism?

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