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J. Rutherfoord & P. Schacht 17 May 2004

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1 J. Rutherfoord & P. Schacht 17 May 2004
ATLAS Liquid Argon CBT-EC2 “crack studies” Goals and Run Plan – Early version J. Rutherfoord & P. Schacht 17 May 2004

2 CBT-EC2 Goals – Summary Liquid Argon TDR - 1996
Study transition at |h| = 3.2 for ETmiss determination rms of resolution function Tails of resolution function What is probability that jet ET of 300 GeV will be mis-measured with less than 150 GeV? < 1  10,000 ? Jet tagging efficiency How low in ET can we still identify jets? 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

3 CBT-EC2 Run Plan - Input FCal community from conference calls
Peter Schacht representing MPI discussions Everyone is invited to help iterate towards the next version Further iterations, even during the run, are expected Run coordinators will implement the plans 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

4 CBT-EC2 Run Plan - Overview
Technical run – All systems working Tune, calibrate, and detect problems Scan through the ‘crack’ region with electrons and hadrons ***** Interleave stability checks Special tests 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

5 CBT-EC2 Run Plan - Technical Run
Without beam, check out … Modules, cold electronics, HV, and cabling  Warm electronics, trigger, BPCs, etc. DAQ. Write dummy data. Exercise offline and monitoring software Write diagnostics 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

6 CBT-EC2 Run Plan – Calibrate detector
Set up up beam line and tune beam Calibrate separately in EMEC/HEC and FCal High(?) statistics, all(?) energies Full transverse acceptance in each of the two systems Electrons, m’s, and pions (ID p’s or veto p’s?) 16 time samples, dual gain or autogain (?) Transverse scan – look for and correct problems 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

7 CBT-EC2 Run Plan– Scan the “crack”
Vertical scan (Primary goal of CBT-EC2) 2 or 3 vertical lines, 2 energies, e’s, p’s, and m’s ~1 Million triggers at each point on central scan line at one energy 16 time samples, autogain Narrow and wide beam Horizontal scan In crack region at |h| = 3.2 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

8 CBT-EC2 Run Plan- Stability Checks
At subset of ‘standard grid’ Every 24 to 48 hours High energy electrons Every 2nd check include pion run Modest statistics 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

9 CBT-EC2 Run Plan– Special Tests
Timing studies Narrow beam, high energy, e’s and p’s Calibration data over full DAC range Non-linearities? 32 time samples to understand signal shapes Dual gains to set autogain thresholds Alignment with muons Switch between + and – beam Proton data 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

10 CBT-EC2 – Yet to do Better specify each of the tasks
Flesh out details of each of the tasks Better organize and time-order the tasks Add to and subtract from the various tasks Prioritize the tasks Which are absolutely necessary at all costs? Which can be dropped if we run out of time? 17 May 2004 J. Rutherfoord

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