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Housing Department FY 2013 Sources: By Fund FY 2013 Sources and Uses

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1 Housing Department FY 2013 Sources: By Fund FY 2013 Sources and Uses
$ ,000 General Fund Project Fund (105 MASH Billable) – MASH Fees for Services 2,124,000 Housing and Community Development Fund (219 CDBG) 12,944,000 Pas Housing Authority Fund (220 Section 8) 733,000 Home Investment Partnership Fund (221 HOME) 785,000 Housing Assistance Fund (222 SPC) 1,038,000 Supportive Housing Fund (223 SHP) 178,000 Emergency Shelter Grant Fund (224 ESG) 56,000 HOPWA Fund (226)

2 Housing Department FY 2013 Sources: By Fund FY 2013 Sources and Uses
9. $1,108,000 Housing Successor Fund (237) 948,000 Other Housing Fund (238) – General Funds 101,000 Inclusionary Housing Trust Fund (619) 287,000 Affordable Housing Debt Service Fund (851)

3 Housing Department FY 2013 Uses:
FY 2013 Sources and Uses FY 2013 Uses: Appropriations category all funds combined $ 4,761,000 Personnel 18,983,000 Services/Supplies 2,000 Equipment 437,000 IS charges 643,000 Debt 287,000 Transfers Out

4 Housing Department Budget History By Division or Major Budget Area
Between FY2009 and FY2012 , MASH and Career Services Divisions were NOT part of Housing Department until FY As a result, FY 2009 Budget did not include these two divisions’ budget.

5 Housing Department Key Issues
FY 2013 Key Issues and Strategies Key Issues Maintaining programs & customer service with greatly reduced staffing levels Loss if funding including all of redevelopment plus reductions in Federal funding programs (CDBG, HOME and Section 8 administrative funding) Inclusionary revenues projected to remain low Tightening local rental market with negative impact on Section 8 State legislation requiring WIB to set aside 25% of annual funding to direct training: may actually reduce number of clients served due to higher cost of training relative to other types of services

6 Housing Department FY 2013 Key Issues and Strategies Strategies (reduce expenses, increase revenues, increase efficiencies) Wind down selected labor intensive programs Emergency Rental Assistance Deposit HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance 1st Time Homebuyer Assistance Affordable Housing Development Obtain federal VASH rental subsidy vouchers and associated administrative revenue Implement Payment In-Lieu Of Taxes (“PILOT”) fee

7 Housing Department FY 2013 Key Issues and Strategies Strategies (reduce expenses, increase revenues, increase efficiencies) Refocus housing production to a small scale acquisition rehab model using Inclusionary Housing funds to create Section 8 housing opportunities Re-evaluate existing provisions which limit use of Inclusionary Housing program income Support legislation to restore lost TI housing set-aside funds and create new affordable housing resources Pursue other WIA and non-WIA funding sources Grow Human Services Endowment Fund through partnership with Pasadena Community Foundation Implement web-based CDBG system with electronic signature functionality

8 Housing Department Significant Changes From FY 2012 Budget List programmatic and operational changes from prior year’s budget Further staff reductions FTEs Curtailment of Federal funded programs (homebuyer loans, emergency rental assistance, HOME TBRA & housing develop) Housing debt service burden reduced w/ payoff of CalHFA loans from Successor Agency budget Completion of CDBG-R & HPRP programs

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