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Homework: write in your planners Tuesday: finish mollusk sheet, study grasshopper for quiz Thursday: quiz on hopper parts and functions, no hw.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework: write in your planners Tuesday: finish mollusk sheet, study grasshopper for quiz Thursday: quiz on hopper parts and functions, no hw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework: write in your planners Tuesday: finish mollusk sheet, study grasshopper for quiz Thursday: quiz on hopper parts and functions, no hw

2 Complex invertebrates

3 Classification What was the sentence to put the words in order? K P C O F G S

4 Remember from last unit…. Simple Invertebrates are Jellyfish (cnidarians) Sponges and Worms

5 Now, complex invertebrates Still do not have bones, but have some form of supporting structure

6 Mollusk 3 classes Bivalve (clams and oysters) Cephalopod (squid and octopus) Gastropod (snail and slug)

7 Echinoderms Means spiny skinned Starfish Sea Urchins

8 ARTHROPODS Insect ( 6 legs) Arachnid (8 legs) spider, tick Crustacean ( 10 legs) lobster Centipede (1 pair legs per segment) Millipede (2 pair of legs per segment

9 Arthropods More numerous than all other animal phylums combined!

10 Arthropods Segmented body with 3 sections Head Thorax abdomen

11 Arthropods Successful, which means there are a lot of them In many areas of the world

12 Exoskeleton On the outside, like a suit of armor Nonliving, made of CHITIN Protects from drying out, being eaten, and a place for muscles to attach Legs bend: JOINTED; allows greater movement

13 Molting grow new skin, Shed old skin, Grow new skin underneath, split old exoskeleton, crawl out, puff up, let it dry &rendTypeId=4 &rendTypeId=4

14 1. Antenna Senses (touch, hear, taste, smell) this is an adult black fly with an antenna parasite

15 2. Head Made of hard nonliving material called…… Chitin 3. Thorax 4. Abdomen

16 5. Wing Flying, Communicate, helps some breathe

17 6. Spiracles Holes in abdomen for Breathing

18 7. Compound eye Sees; has 100s of lenses

19 8. Simple eye Senses light Cat flea only has simple eye… why?

20 Just b/c it is cool Cat flea leg/foot

21 9. Tympanum Hearing (#7 in this picture

22 10. Mandible chewing

23 Mouthparts


25 Rhinoceros beetle How big is it?

26 Another view

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