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Atmospheric Deposition to Complex Terrain: Scaling Up to the Landscape K.C. Weathers, G.M. Lovett, S.E. Lindberg S.M. Simkin, D.N. Lewis, K. Schwarz Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Deposition to Complex Terrain: Scaling Up to the Landscape K.C. Weathers, G.M. Lovett, S.E. Lindberg S.M. Simkin, D.N. Lewis, K. Schwarz Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Deposition to Complex Terrain: Scaling Up to the Landscape K.C. Weathers, G.M. Lovett, S.E. Lindberg S.M. Simkin, D.N. Lewis, K. Schwarz Institute of Ecosystem Studies Oak Ridge National Laboratory

2 Importance of Quantifying Atmospheric Deposition Ecologists –Input/output budgets –Biotic response Managers –Protecting critical resources Policy makers –Legislation

3 We Need Higher Resolution Data

4 Ecosystem Inputs (nutrients, pollutants) Outputs

5 PRIMENet Project Objectives Quantify total atmospheric deposition (S & N) to complex landscapes with a range of forest types and elevations Create and use deposition models to produce some of the first landscape scale maps of atmospheric deposition Identify HOTSPOTS of deposition

6 Methods Record landscape features (ele, slo, asp, veg) at sampling locations Measure indices of deposition a)Lead (Pb) in forest floor for GRSM b)Sulfate (SO 4 2- ) in throughfall for ACAD Relate landscape features to deposition indices using General Linear Model Scaling-Up –apply GLM to each cell (pixel) of GIS database –convert deposition index to deposition value using base values at NADP + CASTNet sites


8 Forest Floor Lead (Pb) as an Index of Deposition Lead accumulates and remains in organic matter for decades Single sample yields a long-term index Lead concentration calibrated against traditional measures of deposition






14 β1 * Elevation β2 * For Type Deposition + =

15 Deposition = f(elevation, for type) Preliminary



18 Throughfall Sulfate(SO 4 2- ) as an Index of Deposition Collect throughfall on a monthly basis Concentrate anions of interest using ion exchange resin








26 Deposition = f(elevation, for type) Preliminary


28 Conclusions Can identify areas likely to receive high nutrient and pollutant deposition load Surprisingly similar models for Smokies and Acadia Improved model of total atmospheric deposition improved data for ecosystem budgets, resource management, and policy formulation

29 Next Steps in Model Incorporate other landscape features –topographic exposure indices –distance to coast Use base deposition data to produce maps with deposition values for ACAD and GRSM parks Additional work funded by NPS at ACAD –link with UMO surface water chemistry –compare with watershed scale deposition

30 We are indebted to all the people at Acadia and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks that have made this project successful and enjoyable

31 Distance to coast (m)




35 Relative Deposition Index Low High Deposition = f(veg type,elevation)


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