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New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 1 Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) Complex Emergency Database – Update,

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Presentation on theme: "New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 1 Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) Complex Emergency Database – Update,"— Presentation transcript:

1 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 1 Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) Complex Emergency Database – Update, Plans Presentation prepared for the SMART Meeting New York, the 24th of June 2005

2 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 2

3 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 3 CE-DAT is a searchable database on the Humanitarian Impact of Complex Emergencies maintained and developed by CRED Funded by the US Department of States Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and linked to the SMART Initiative BRIEF INTRODUCTION ABOUT CE-DAT

4 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 4 OBJECTIVES OF CE-DAT COMPLEX EMERGENCY DATABASE Publicly accessible online database To promote efectiveness through evidence based trend analyses and impact briefings Key nutritional, health and mortality indicators for rational humanitarian aid decision making

5 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 5 INDICATORS ON THE HUMANITARIAN IMPACT Mortality Crude Mortality / Crude Death Under Five Mortality/ Under Five Death Infant Mortality Maternal Mortality Nutrition Global/Severe Acute Malnutrition (Z-score/ Median) Oedema Global/Severe Chronic Malnutrition Global/Severe Underweight MUAC Vaccination coverage Measles Polio DTP Tuberculosis

6 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 6 INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THE DATABASE For each indicator, additional information is provided in the comments field on aspects considered important (e.g. cause of death, design effect, geographical specifications…) Age (6-59 months, 6-29 months, 9-59, 60 to 115 cm…) Status (IDPs, Refugee, Residents) TARGET POPULATION Standardized information for Country, Administration 1, Administration 2, Administration 3, City and Camp GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Organization(s) in charge of the survey Journal Author Document references URL SOURCE Sample size Sampling Methodology Dates and Recall Period Population size % IDPs 95% Confidence interval METHODOLOGY

7 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 7 SOURCESSOURCES

8 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 8 POPULATING THE DATABASE –Online Peer-reviewed journals UN Publications (NICS, IRIN, OCHA, UNHCR, UNICEF,WHO,...) NGO reports (Nutritional and Mortality Surveys Reports, Mission Reports...) Press releases (Reuters, AP, AFP….) Other academic and research institutions (SIPRI, KOSIMO…) –Collaborations UN/International agencies (e.g. UNHCR) NGOs Academics/Experts Sources

9 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 9 POPULATING THE DATABASE Internal Quality Control Process CE-DAT assesses methodological aspects in relation to data integrity (eg. sampling, recall period, dates, …) Status of the data: Validated Pending (some key information is missing) Confidential

10 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 10 –Reinforcing information on methodology –Obtaining original document straight from the source COLLABORATION WITH FIELD ORGANIZATIONS A KEY FACTOR FOR CE-DAT SUCCESS POPULATING THE DATABASE Improving data quality

11 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 11 EVOLUTION OF CE-DAT Phase 1: Accomplishments Phase 2 Phase 1 8 Pilot Complex Emergencies: Sudan, DRC, Angola, Ehtiopia, Sierra Leone, Cote dIvoire, Iraq and Afghanistan 630 surveys (2000-2005) Establishment of the Technical Advisory Group Development of CE-DAT website Research and Analysis Briefs on Darfur, DRC Mortality Analisys: Darfur Articles

12 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 12 EVOLUTION OF CE-DAT Phase 2: Continuation and Expansion Expansion to other complex emergencies Improving the user-friendliness of the online database Cartographic analyses Enlarge the CE-DAT network to get the data straight from the source Tailor-made analyses for our field collaborators Phase 2 Phase 1

13 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 13 PRODUCTSPRODUCTS

14 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 14 PRODUCTSPRODUCTS Survey sites, IDP populations and damage villages in Darfur, Sudan

15 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 15 PRODUCTSPRODUCTS

16 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 16 PRODUCTSPRODUCTS

17 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 17 PRODUCTSPRODUCTS CRUDE DEATH RATE DISTRIBUTION IN ANGOLA (2000-2004)

18 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 18 PRODUCTSPRODUCTS GLOBAL ACUTE MALNUTRITION IN SUDAN (2000-2004)

19 New York / 24.06.2005 Complex Emergency Database Page 19 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION !!! FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO:

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