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Goals for Today Small grade-level groups: Dawn:

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Presentation on theme: "Goals for Today Small grade-level groups: Dawn:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goals for Today Small grade-level groups: Dawn:
Use student projects to come up with (potential) covered curricular outcomes. Create objective, outcome-based comments for the art project that define: Success Needs for Improvement Goals and Next Steps Dawn: Collect the list, and distribute it to all participants as exemplars of comments to use / edit

2 Example: Grade 1 – 2 Visual Art Project
Someone I Love Example: Grade 1 – 2 Visual Art Project

3 The Creative Problem: Create an artwork in the style of Klimt, which shows you and someone you love spending time together.

4 Valuing Artistic Experience – 2.4 Demonstrate understanding that noticing details enhances thinking about and enjoyment of artworks Understanding Art in Context – 1.2 Recall and describe (verbally or in other ways) own experiences of individual artworks Woman with a Cat Auguste Renoir

5 The Boating Party Mary Cassatt

6 American Gothic Grant Wood

7 Untitled Dorothea Lange

8 Fendi

9 The Promenade Auguste Renoir

10 Untitled Jacob Lawrence

11 The Reading Auguste Renoir

12 Fete Bridget Riley

13 Numbers Jasper Johns

14 Revenge of the Goldfish
Sandy Skoglund

15 Generations Gustav Klimt

16 A Moment’s Pleasure #2 Michalene Thomas

17 The Kiss Gustav Klimt

18 Activities to lead up to the project…
Creative Expression in Art – 1.1 Create images in response to ideas derived from memory in Art – 1.5 Collect and explore a wide range of visual and other resources for use in stimulating and developing own ideas for artmaking (collect and bring in photographs of family or friends) Make a list of the people you love. Parents, siblings, friends, aunties/uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc. What kinds of activities do we do when we spend time with the people we love? Play sports, read a book, go for a walk, have supper, help with chores, etc. Can you think of any fond memories of a loved one you’ve spent time with?

19 Sample Comments (Report Card)
STRENGTHS: Jane demonstrates safe and appropriate use of watercolour paints and collage during artmaking. She independently revises and refines her artwork. AREAS NEEDING IMPROVEMENT: Jane is working towards describing her own understanding of individual artworks. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: Jane is encouraged to practice contributing to discussions during art learning experiences.

20 Choose a project to work with:
What (potentially) were the outcomes that were targeted in this project? Try to find at least one outcome, in each wing in the curriculum (use copies of curriculum provided). (Record them on your chart paper!)

21 Choose an outcome to work with:
What comments could we use to reflect a student’s achievement if there is/are: Successful achievement of outcome Improvement needed Potential next steps needed (Record them on your chart paper!)

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