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May 22: dryline near Homestead

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1 May 22: dryline near Homestead
File Times height AGL antenna position obs F :06-22:12 ~1400 m down multiple humidity jumps, even at 1400 m; nice echo plumes F :20-22:25 ~600 m up 2 dryline plumes emerge from a series of q-discontinuities F :42-22:48 ~200 m up single dryline, tilting to the W as if propagating like a density current F :24-23:30 ~1400 m down 2 drylines, the E one is best defined - we can try dual-Doppler F :33-23:39 ~800 m down 2 drylines, retreating W and diverging from each other F :44-23:52 ~200 m up 2 well-defined drylines, retreating westward, esp the western one

2 u q q qe Moisture jumps Altitude above ground (m) down up nw se
Homestead: 36° ´ N, 100° ´ W u decimal: N, 100° W U: zonal wind q: mixing ratio (g/kg) q q qe

3 Moisture jumps se nw q this slope in U implies convergence u qe q

4 dryline dryline Slope as a density current! se nw q u qe q

5 dryline dryline nw se q u qe q

6 dryline dryline nw se u this slope in U implies convergence q q qe

7 dryline dryline se nw q u qe q


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