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Session 4a Listen/Crystal CLEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 4a Listen/Crystal CLEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 4a Listen/Crystal CLEAR

2 2 x ears 1 x mouth = Listen more than speak

3 L I S T EN

4 I never said she stole my money

5 “You know this isn't the first time that you've been really late and it's so frustrating!
I make the effort to be here on time and yet it feels like you never do. I just don't think it's that difficult to arrive when you say you're going to. I was actually really worried that something had happened to you.”

6 Can you send me your notes again please
Will do!

7 Can you send me your notes again please

8 Can you send me your notes again please

9 Can you send me your notes again please

10 Crystal CLEAR Concise: summarise the situation/feelings concisely
Logical: make sure what you say makes sense Emotion free: don’t blame other people or let emotions cloud your mind Assertive: if you need to say no, don’t let someone talk you out of it Realistic/Repeat

11 Break

12 Session 4b Values

13 Values Things that really matter to us – the direction we head in life, whereas goals are achieved along the way Knowing our values helps to guide us and our decisions When we act in a way that does not agree with our values we feel uncomfortable E.g. honesty, helping others, etc.

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