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ETS WG, 30 January-1 February 2006 Agenda Item

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1 ETS WG, 30 January-1 February 2006 Agenda Item
CVTS Status Report ETS WG, 30 January-1 February 2006 Agenda Item Education and Training Statistics Working Group

2 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
CVTS3 preparations WG Dec 2004 defining scope of the CVTS project 3 TF held during 2005 to develop the project WG Sept 2005 confirmed the design Education and Training Statistics Working Group

3 CVTS Regulatory Framework
EP and Council regulation published in Sept (EC) No 1552/2005 Draft EC regulation text discussed and approved by WG September Draft EC regulation received favourable opinion at SPC in Nov 2005 Regulation now in written procedure at the Commission Education and Training Statistics Working Group

4 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
CVTS - next actions EU Manual draft circulated for comments December 2005 Revised EU Manual to be issued Jan - Feb 2006 Data Checking tool Extended consultation on checking rules during 2005 Checking tool to be developed and distributed to countries mid 2006 Predefined control tables to be defined 2nd half 2006 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

5 National implementation timetable
Field work in countries during 2006 Data submission to ESTAT early 2007 with final deadline end June 2007 Final reporting September 2007 No dedicated CVTS WG meetings foreseen in 2006 CVTS business to be treated at ETS WG meetings as required Education and Training Statistics Working Group

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