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Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox Level 1 / Base Training

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1 Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox Level 1 / Base Training
Module # 9 BANCS Model Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox Level 1 / Base Training

2 Heading for a Bullet Text Slide (36 Arial)
BANCS Model Overview Bank Assessment for Non-point source Consequences of Sediment (BANCS) method Two Components: Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) Near-Bank Stress (NBS) Predicts Bank Erosion Rate

3 BEHI Variables Study Bank Height Bankfull Height Root Depth Bank Angle
Surface Protection Bank Material Adjustment Stratification Adjustment Bank Length Reach Length

4 BEHI Study Form Used to Develop Adjective Rating: Very Low Low
Moderate High Very High Extreme Bank Profile Sketch

5 Bank Height Ratio Study Bank Height Bankfull Depth

6 Root Depth/Study Bank Height

7 Weighted Root Density Root Depth Root Density %

8 Bank Angle Bank Angle

9 Surface Protection Average Surface Protection Over Entire Study Bank Height

10 Bank Material Adjustment
Based on Dominant Bank Composition Bedrock – Very Low BEHI Boulders – Very Low BEHI Cobble – Minus 10 Points Gravel – Add 5 to 10 Points Sand – Add 10 Points Silt/Clay – No Adjustment

11 Stratification Adjustment
Based on Presence of Stratification – Add 5 to 10 Points One Layer – Add 5 Points Multiple Layers – Add 10 Points

12 BEHI Study Form Used to Develop Adjective Rating: Very Low Low
Moderate High Very High Extreme Bank Profile Sketch

13 BEHI Summation

14 NBS Estimation Methods

15 NBS as a Function of Thalweg Position

16 BANCS Curves BEHI Rating NBS Rating
Used to Predict Average Erosion Rate Limited Number of Curves

17 Using BANCS to Assess & Prioritize Restoration – Elm Fork Case Study
In Lieu Fee Project BANCS Data Collected as Part of 5 Year Monitoring Used to Predict Calculate Sediment Reduction

18 New Photo set up needs to occur here
New Photo set up needs to occur here. Put in 4 or 5 photos staggered on the edge of one another with maybe and orange border (match our company colors). See slide 10 for a general idea.

19 Elm Fork Stream Restoration
Entrenched stream Minimal riffle habitat Significant erosion Raised channel bed Increased riffle/pool habitat Project encompasses 8,500 feet of restoration

Native Stone and Wood Features STABILITY/HYDRAULIC CONSIDERATIONS Vernal Pool Groundwater Dam Oxbow Old Channel Raised Stream Bed

21 Pre Restoration BANCS Model

22 Post Restoration BANCS Model
Total Sediment Reduction – 6,495 Tons/Yr Represents 7,145 lbs. of Phosphorus & 13,520 lbs. of Nitrogen Annually

23 After 2 Growing Season

24 Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox Level 1 / Base Training
Module # 9 BANCS Model Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox Level 1 / Base Training

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