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Labor Inspection Directorate

2 Legal Framework: The Labor Inspection Directorate was created through the Executive Decree No. 84, on December 31, 1996. Objective: Be vigilant of compliance with labor standards, laws, decrees, ILO Conventions ratified by Panama, which purpose is to prevent and promote guidelines and policies on Labor, Maritime and Migratory Inspection, exercising authority and protecting the Panamanian workforce, throughout the national territory.

3 Powers of Labor Inspectors
Monitor and control the compliance and application of labor laws, contracts and labor relations and other technical instructions issued by the other dependencies of the Ministry, mainly those related to working conditions, learning, hygiene and occupational safety at work. Receive complaints, and request the Directorate of Labor, the application of penalties for violations of labor provisions in accordance with the rules and procedures set by the laws and regulations. Monitor and guarantee compliance with the labor rights of adolescent workers.

4 Powers of Labor Inspectors
4. Promote an effective cooperation with other government services and with public or private institutions that exercise similar activities 5. To attend workplaces when there is a strike declaration, carry out the counting of workers and determine those who support or not such action. In the event of a legal strike, seal the entries of the company in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations. 6. Perform other functions that fall within the scope of their responsibility and that are assigned by their Hierarchical Superior.

5 Organic Structure of the Labor Inspection Directorate

6 Strategies of Interinstitutional Coordination:
EXECUTIVE DECREE 21 (April 2, 1997), “By which the Interinstitutional Technical Committee of Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety is Created”. Modified by: EXECUTIVE DECREE 31 (May 12, 2008) The Committee is integrated by: The Ministry of Labor, which presides it, Ministry of Health, Social Security Fund, Ministry of Agricultural Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Establish means of cooperation and coordination between the different State agencies whose functions relate to occupational health, health and hygiene at work. Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety

7 Strategies of Interinstitutional Coordination:
Child Labor Eradication Executive Decree No. 107 of June 11, 2013, established the CETIPPAT membership with a total of 23 institutions, including public institutions, employers, workers and civil society organizations. The Committee is integrated by: OFFICE OF THE FIRST LADY, MITRADEL, MIDA, MIDES, MINGO, MEDUCA, MINSA, MICI, MEF, MP, PGN, SENNIAF, IFARHU, NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, CONUSI. For the prevention and eradication of child labor and the protection of the adolescent worker, the DIRECTORATE OF LABOR INSPECTION coordinates, intra-institutionally with DIRETIPAT and inter-institutionally with SENNIAF and the NATIONAL POLICE, inspections in this matter. This strategy has resulted in PANAMA having one of the lowest rates of child labor (23,855 NNA), according to the latest survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Census of the Republic of Panama, 2016. Diligences in times of Harvest / Zafra, on inspections and in 2018, 44 inspections

8 Strategies of Interinstitutional Coordination
Labor Migration Diligences For the Compliance of Labor regulations related to migration and integral attention, we conduct joint diligences with MICI, DGI, MINSA, CSS, NATIONAL POLICE, NACIONAL MIGRATION SYSTEM. NIGHTTIME DILIGENCIES OR EXTRA-HOURS 130 74 56 WEEKEND DILIGENCIES 35 18 17 Coordination with the Social Security Fund After carrying out the requested or ex-officio, in cases in which the non-payment of social security by the employer is detected, the Directorate of Labor Inspection is transfers the report with the detected anomalies to the Social Security Fund- Dpt. of labor benefits.

9 Companies are benefited in many aspects of work, with well-planned labor inspections and good practices, in an organized way: Compliance with the laws, The health and safety of employees in the workplace, The integrity of the installation, The availability, security and reliability of its assets, The environmental sustainability, The sustainability of commercial operations

10 Successes We have created protocols for comprehensive (inter-institutional) child labor. We have created national labor policies on labor inspection, human resources and the application of legislation, which are synchronized to meet the ILO's fundamental labor standards and adapt to the realities of the country The human resource for labor inspection is trained. It also provides an adequate amount of work inspections. There are communication channels with co-responsible institutions in guaranteeing labor rights.

11 Challenges Plan coordinated interventions in an agile and timely manner. Have the resources for inter-institutional interventions. Have the will of the decision makers to establish permanent mechanisms of attention.



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