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Restoration and Management of the Häädemeeste Wetland Complex (LIFE00NAT/EE/7082) Projct achievements - 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Restoration and Management of the Häädemeeste Wetland Complex (LIFE00NAT/EE/7082) Projct achievements - 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restoration and Management of the Häädemeeste Wetland Complex (LIFE00NAT/EE/7082) Projct achievements - 2003

2 What are the achievements and highlights of the project during the last reporting period?

3 Management plan for the period 2003-2012Management plan for the period 2003-2012 Draft of new protection regulations for the reserve Tourism mangement plan Tourism mangement plan

4 Discoveries in the plant world: Botanical, lichenological and bryological surveys New micro lichen species for Estonia, one re- discovery of moss species, several plant, lichen and moss rarities found Botanical monitoring in coastal meadow

5 Discoveries in the birds world: Breeding bird surveys finished for all habitats Several BD annex I forest species are more widespread than predicted – relevant proposals for expansion of the reserve borders Tolkuse bog bird survey Continuation of monitoring of the coastal breeding and migratory species

6 The coastal meadow working camp 120 volunteers120 volunteers Estonian Ornithol. Soc. & Est. seminatural community conserv. NGO, local peopleEstonian Ornithol. Soc. & Est. seminatural community conserv. NGO, local people Massive amount of work has been doneMassive amount of work has been done Second day for birdwatching and introducing the life projectSecond day for birdwatching and introducing the life project Good media coverageGood media coverage Very positive reception by participantsVery positive reception by participants

7 Booklet on coastal meadow management history Local history of use and management of coastal meadows Knowledge and practices used Memories and local names Skills and things to learn for present New LIFE of coastal meadows

8 Expansion of coastal meadow management The area of managed coastal meadows reached the 500 ha 6 new land managers joined, several new areas covered 17 new livestock unit provided 3 new livestock shed built Fencing and grazing of shoreline started

9 Seminar on coastal meadow management 35 experts, managers, landowners, researchers and conservationists Informal and scientific presentations on coastal meadow biodiversity, management practical and financial issues, historical and cultural views Study visits, demonstrations and discussions on most project sites, meetings with local meadow caretakers

10 Visit by EC DG ENV Life official E.Borg-Tsantekidou visited the Life project office and project area also attended the coastal meadow seminar and opened the new border sign of the reserve Very positive feedback by Life officer

11 Development of the ecotourism at the reserve Development plan for the Rannametsa nature trailDevelopment plan for the Rannametsa nature trail Training courses for nature guidesTraining courses for nature guides Beginning with construction works at Rannametsa nature trailBeginning with construction works at Rannametsa nature trail Four birdwatching towers started to buildFour birdwatching towers started to build

12 Better habitats for a Natterjack-Toad Special renovation of Sooküla quarry, as toads spawning site, has been completedSpecial renovation of Sooküla quarry, as toads spawning site, has been completed Successful breeding season at this siteSuccessful breeding season at this site Beginning of pond creation at coastal meadowsBeginning of pond creation at coastal meadows

13 Land for conservation has been purchased 20 ha of coastal land with high conservation potential has been purchased by Estonian Ornithological Society

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