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Chapter 7 Section 3 Farmers and Populism.

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1 Chapter 7 Section 3 Farmers and Populism

2 Section Focus What led to the rise of the Populist Movement, and what effect did it have?

3 Farmers Face Many Problems
Farmers know that life will be hard Low Prices for crops farm prices plummet Cotton Price in 1870 = 15 cents in 1890 = 6 cents Early 1890’s cost more to grow corn than you can sell it for Famers mortgage their farms to survive High costs of transportation Farmers blame railroads for charging high rates Farmers blame banks for charging high interest rates

4 Turned its back on the farmers
Farmers feel nation has turned its back on them. Leaders once from farming stats with agricultural backgrounds Jefferson etc. Most leaders now come from industrial states. Farmers make honest living and produce necessary goods Bankers and Businessmen get rich.

5 Farmers Organize Seek Change
Granger movement Organized by Oliver H. Kelly attracts 1 million members Provide education on new farm techniques and machinery Prompt establishment of ICC Southern Farmers Alliance Formed cooperatives to sell crops Boycotts against price gouging manufacturers Colored Farmers Alliance Racial tensions keep groups from working together

6 Populist party Spread of the Farmers Alliance leads to formation of The Populist Party - “The Peoples Party” Build a new political party from the grassroots up Grows rapidly pressures two major parties

7 Populist Goals End political corruption Unresponsive government
Inadequate money supply “Free Silver” Government ownership of railroads Women’s suffrage Reach out to factory workers “we have the same enemy”

8 Populist Success Election of 1892
Candidate for Pers. (Weaver) gets a million votes 3 govenors 5 Senators 10 congressmen Begin to unite Blacks and Whites in the South Democratic party successfully uses racist tactics to divide races Populist = “Negro Supremecy”

9 William Jennings Bryan
1893 = 4 year long economic depression Populist election success has them thinking they can win the White house William Jennings Bryan “The Great Commoner” 1896 Democratic National Convention is keynote speaker “Cross of Gold Speech” Nominated for President as a Democrat Populist part choose to support Bryan and the Democrats

10 Bryan runs for President
1st time a candidate tours the country giving speeches directly to the people William Mckinley has 30 times the money as Bryan Doesn’t campaign lets party officials campaign for him Cast Bryan as a potential dictator and threat to the republic Mckinley Wins

11 Populist Legacy Decision to endorse Bryan in 1896 weakens the party
Most members absorbed into the democratic party Changes campaigns Candidate now talk to the people

12 Section focus What led to the rise of the Populist Movement, and what effect did it have? Farmers organized the Grange and Farmers Alliances, leading to the creation of the Populist party, which supported economic and political reforms. Although the party did not survive, many of its ideas became law, and it persuaded politicians to listen to common people.

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