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What we think and measure when exploring inequality

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1 What we think and measure when exploring inequality
Tomislav Pavlović* Renata Franc Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Transdisciplinary solutions to cross sectoral disadvantage in youth (YOUNG-IN) , Thessaloníki *Tomislav Pavlović’s work on DARE (from 20 September 2018) has been supported by a Croatian Science Foundation within Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training of Doctoral Students (DOK ) financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund (ESF).

2 Inequality? Multidimensional! Normative!
Objective or subjective unavailability of the same quantity or quality of economic, social or political resources, possibilities or outcomes for specific individuals or groups in a society. Multidimensional! Normative!

3 Additional complexity
Correlations between economic and social inequality indicators in 2014 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (1) GDP per capita -.14 .70** .18* -.15 -.40** -.47** -.07 .63** (2) Annual GDP growth rate -.28** .03 .05 .22* .23** -.19* -.26** (3) Human development index .14 -.52** .57** .13 .95** (4) Population density -.02 .02 .09 -.12 (5) Political violence episodes .12 .21* -.43** -.10 -.22* (6) Political rights .94** -.63** -.21* -.49** (7) Civil liberties -.71** -.25** -.53** (8) Human rights protection .55** (9) Unemployment rate .17* (10) Education index Note: * p < .05, ** p < .01

4 Conceptualising the inequality-radicalisation relationship: the Systematic review

5 Our approach to the review
EMPIRICAL studies Relevant to radicalisation and inequality 1 January December 2017 In English

6 Outcomes of the review Diversity of methodological approaches
Applied measures, samples, statistical analyses,... Identification of strong points and drawbacks Lack of experimental studies! Inconsistent linear relationship between objective economic inequality and radicalisation Protection of physical integrity rights and repression most consistentnly related to domestic terrorism Percieved (social) inequality (e.g., personal or group deprivation, discrimination, injustice) related to cognitive radicalisation Socio-political inequality may be more important for radicalisation than economic inequality

7 Thank you for your attention. [http://www. dare-h2020

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