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Chapter 7:The years took all the fight out of Janie’s face

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1 Chapter 7:The years took all the fight out of Janie’s face
Chapter 7:The years took all the fight out of Janie’s face. For awhile she thought it was gone from her soul “She had learned how to talk some and leave some”(76). “She was a rut in a road”(76). “Now and again she thought of a country road at sun-up and considered flight”(76). “She lived between her hat and her heels”(76). “she herself sat under a shady tree with the wind blowing”(76). “You ain’t no young pullet no mo.’ You’se uh ole hen now”(77). “…the cruel deceit of Janie! Making all that show of humbleness and scorning him all the time!”(80)

2 Joe’s Comeuppance “Joe wasn’t so young as he used to be” (77).
“He didn’t want her to stay young while he grew old”(77). “The more people in there[the store]the more ridicule he poured over her body to point attention away from his own”(78). “[he] realized all the meanings and his vanity bled like a flood”(79). “Janie had robbed him of his illusion of irresistible maleness that all men cherish”(79). “cast down his empty armor before men and they had laughed”(79).

3 Joe con’t “ They’d look with envy at the things and pity the man that owned them”(80). “For what can excuse a man in the eyes of other men for lack of strength?”(80). “Ambition was useless”(80).

4 Miscellaneous “A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem”(78). “The thing that Saul’s daughter had done to David”(79). “Ah ruther be shot with tacks that tuh hear dat ‘bout mah self”(79). “You heard her, you ain’t blind”(79).

5 Chapter 8: After that night Jody moved his things and slept in a room downstairs
Jody is weakened by his public humiliation and is plagued by health problems. Instead of seeing a medical doctor, Jody seeks a “root doctor” a “scoundrel”(82) to take cure the curse he believes Janie has put on him or “fixed” him Janie refers to the witch doctor as “dat multiplied cockroach” (83).

6 Joe: “might get over his mad spell any time at all and begin to act like somebody towards her”
“Like bags hanging from an ironing board”(81). “People he never bothered with one way or another now seemed to have his ear”(81). “Mr. Starks needs someone tuh sorta look our for ‘im till he kin git on his feet again and look for hisself”(83). “Joe believed he was “fixed” and that Janie “wuz de one dat did it” (82). “Jody was never to get on his feet again”(83). “He needed medical attention two years ago. Too late now” (83).

7 Joe: “like some helpless thing seeking shelter”
“He gave a deep-growling sound like a hog dying”(85). “Much as Ah done fuh yuh. Holdin’ me up tuh scorn”(85). “You changes everything but nothin’ don’t change you-not even death”(86). “You ain’t the Jody ah run off down de road wid”(86). “The icy sword of the square-toed one had cut off his breath and heft his hands in a pose of agonizing protest”(86). “She studied his dead face for a long time”(86).

8 Janie: starched and ironed her face forming it into just what people wanted to see
“Why must Joe be so mad with her for making him look small when he did it to her all the time?”(81). “I’d rather be dead than for Jody tuh think Ah’d hurt him”(82). “Ah been wid Jody twenty years”(82). “Something stood like an oxen’s foot on her tongue”(84).

9 Death: That strange being with the huge square toes who lived way in the West
How does Hurston’s background influence her stories and imagery surrounding death? “The great one who lived in the straight house like a platform without sides to it, and without a roof” lives in a “high house” “watchful and motionless all day with his sword drawn back” “waiting for the messenger to bid him” “feather from his wings” “wingless bird”

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