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3-5 sentences, if using complete sentences.

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1 3-5 sentences, if using complete sentences.
Terrific Tuesday, Sept 29, 2015 Today’s Words of Wisdom: “He who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.” —Japanese proverb Agenda: Warm-up Ch.3 Vocabulary Home Fun: FN: 3-1 The Triumph of Industry Warm-Up – Don’t forget to write the date Write down, using detailed facts or complete sentences, as much as you can remember about the Industrial Revolution from World History. 3-5 sentences, if using complete sentences.

2 Re-define in your own words/ make conn. Or give example
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Ch. 3 Sec. 1 Trust Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Monopoly Knights of labor AFL anarchist Ch. 3 Sec. 3 Sharecropping Dawes Act Assimilate Open range Ch. 3 Sec. 4 Gilded Age Graft Gold Standard Pendleton Act Populist Party Ch. 3 Sec. 2 Ellis Island Angel Island Suburb Tenement Term & Pic Definition Re-define in your own words/ make conn. Or give example

3 Unit 2 Vocabulary – Chapter 4
Ch. 4 Sec. 1 Progressivism Social Gospel Muckraker Reform Ch. 4 Sec. 3 Discrimination Americanization NAACP Ch.4 Sec.5 16th Amendment Federal Reserve Clayton Antitrust Act Ch. 4 Sec. 4 Square Deal Meat Inspection Act Theodore Roosevelt Regulation National Reclamation Act Ch. 4 Sec. 2 Temperance Suffrage 19th amendment Term & Pic Definition Re-define in your own words/ make conn. Or give example

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