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Presentation on theme: "AWB CAPTURE full (H)AWB."— Presentation transcript:


2 click on ADD button on the lower right of the screen.
Insert the AWB Prefix and Serial numbers Complete the colored mandatory fields. Some fileds have arroup button that bring up a search dialog . To search a criteria insert the data in the first line and click SEARCH. To expand the list click MORE. Selcet the line and click RETRIEVE Other have a arrow down button tha bring a calendar dialog. Insert the rating line(s) and nature of goods desription as per AWB on hands. Insert due other charges pressing the button and completing the pop-up dialog Insert any remarks that may be important in the remark field In case of need to keep images of the cargo use the images TAB to upload the images. 2 3 4 5 Secondary dialogs 3 5

3 click on ADD button on the lower right of the screen.
Insert the HWB in the Prefix field and Serial number. In the Master AWB fileds intert the Prefix and Serial of the MAWB and selct HOUSE AWB in the drop-down menu. Complete the colored mandatory fields. Some fileds have arroup button that bring up a search dialog . To search a criteria insert the data in the first line and click SEARCH. To expand the list click MORE. Selcet the line and click RETRIEVE Other have a arrow down button tha bring a calendar dialog. Insert the rating line(s) and nature of goods desription as per AWB on hands. Insert due other charges pressing the button and completing the pop-up dialog Insert any remarks that may be important in the remark field In case of need to keep images of the cargo use the images TAB to upload the images. 2 3 4 5 Secondary dialogs 3 5

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