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Continuation: translation

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Presentation on theme: "Continuation: translation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuation: translation
Protein Synthesis Continuation: translation

2 The central dogma Transcription carried out by RNA Polymerase
Translation performed on ribosomes

3 Translation Translation: The process of decoding an mRNA message into a protein. Now that the DNA message has been transcribed into mRNA, the message must be read, or translated, by the ribosomes so the proteins can be made

4 The starting molecule What is a codon? A Codon is made of three consecutive bases that specify a single amino acid AUG UUC GGA ACU

5 The Genetic code (codon chart)
How do you read a codon? 1. Find the first letter of the codon in the center circle of the chart 2. Find the second letter of the codon in the next ring on the chart 3. Find the third letter of the codon on the outer ring on the chart 4. Read the corresponding amino acid that will be made 5. Don’t forget start and stop!

6 The key players mRNA carries coded instructions for translation from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome tRNA brings amino acids to the ribosome so it can build proteins rRNA makes up ribosomes

7 Steps AUG signals start of a protein sequence
tRNA with the complementary mRNA bases carries amino acid to bind to the codon This continues until a stop codon is reached Ending molecule: a protein is made (Polypeptide)

8 Translation: practice
Fill in the complementary tRNA that will match up to the mRNA strand below. Use the mRNA strand to find the first 3 amino acids using the codon chart: _____________________ __________________ 2. ______________________ A U G C

9 Figure 13.7 pg. 368

10 Figure 13.9 pg. 371


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