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An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell

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1 An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell
Dante’s Inferno An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell

2 The Seven Deadly Sins (Saint Thomas Aquinas)
Lust Gluttony Avarice Sloth Anger Envy Pride

3 LEVELS OF HELL VESTIBULE: Neutrals and Opportunists, indecisive, no real beliefs, those who don’t choose sides CIRCLE #1—LIMBO: Virtuous Pagans and Unbaptized Babies CIRCLE #2: Carnal and Lustful CIRCLE #3: Gluttons CIRCLE #4: Hoarders and Wasters CIRCLE #5: Wrathful and Sullen or Slothful

CIRCLE #7.1: Violence Against Neighbors CIRCLE #7.2: Violence Against Oneself (Forest of the Suicides) CIRCLE #7.3.1: Violence Against God CIRCLE #7.3.2: Violence Against Nature (Homosexuals) CIRCLE #7.3.3: Violence Against Art MALEBOLGE

5 LEVELS OF HELL Circle 8: Fraud
CIRCLE #8.1: Pimps, Panderers, and Seducers CIRCLE #8.2: Flatterers CIRCLE #8.3: Simonists (Users of the Church) CIRCLE #8.4: Fortunetellers and Soothsayers CIRCLE #8.5: Grafters CIRCLE #8.6: Hypocrites CIRCLE #8.7: Thieves CIRCLE #8.8: Evil Counselors and Deceivers CIRCLE #8.9: Sowers of Discord/Scandal/Schism CIRCLE #8.10: Falsifiers

6 LEVELS OF HELL CIRCLE #9.1 - CAINA: Treachery to Kindred
CIRCLE #9.2 - ANTENORA: Treachery to Country or Political Party CIRCLE #9.3 - TOLOMEA: Treachery to Guests CIRCLE #9.4 - JUDECCA: Treachery to Lords or Superiors LOWEST LEVEL OF HELL: The worst of those who betrayed their benefactors ~Satan, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius (Macbeth?)

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