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Joanne L. Simons, Amelia Gamblin, Laura Arnold, Sue C. Vintiner 

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1 Standard 28-cycle amplification of X/Y-FISH labelled epithelial cells for DNA profiling 
Joanne L. Simons, Amelia Gamblin, Laura Arnold, Sue C. Vintiner  Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series  Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages e77-e78 (January 2013) DOI: /j.fsigss Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd Terms and Conditions

2 Fig. 1 Average number of alleles observed at loci in DNA profiles from cell extracts amplified with Identifiler (grey) and SGMPlus (black) kits. The number of cells collected into each tube for extraction ranged from 1 to 150. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 2013 4, e77-e78DOI: ( /j.fsigss ) Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd Terms and Conditions

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