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VMG Literacy Spelling Snooker 3.

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Presentation on theme: "VMG Literacy Spelling Snooker 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 VMG Literacy Spelling Snooker 3

2 Objective The main aim of Spelling Snooker is to improve your literacy through playing a game. In addition, you will improve your numeracy skills through the scoring process.

3 Scoring 1 - Red 2 - Yellow 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Blue 6 - Pink 7 - Black

4 How to Play Player 1 (P1) is the first to attempt spelling. P1 must spell a red (easy) word. If spelled correctly, P1 must choose a colour. The higher the score, the harder the spelling! If P1 spells a black (difficult) word correctly, 7 points are gained. After correctly spelling a colour word, P1 must then spell a red word again. So, spelling is carried out red/colour/red/colour, until P1 fails to spell a word correctly.

5 Passing Play When P1 fails to spell a word, the play then goes to Player 2 (P2). The same rules apply. The game can be ended at any time but the final turn lies with P2 and must finish when failing to spell a word. The winner is the player with the highest score!

6 Recording Scores Use a tally chart!

7 Differentiated Spellings
bat bus cup flag leg mad met mum will you back club cold rabbit soon with yellow cabin read train woke beach close please sight sound teacher else enough known laugh minute whose anaesthetic auditorium dictatorship rhyme rhythm

8 Logging Scores Spelling Snooker Score - 39 Log your total in your planner so you can track your progress from week to week!

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