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Anatomical characteristics in female and male floral bud differentiation of L. cubeba. Anatomical characteristics in female and male floral bud differentiation.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomical characteristics in female and male floral bud differentiation of L. cubeba. Anatomical characteristics in female and male floral bud differentiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomical characteristics in female and male floral bud differentiation of L. cubeba.
Anatomical characteristics in female and male floral bud differentiation of L. cubeba. Abbreviations: LB, leaf bud; FB, floral bud; IP, inflorescence primordium; FP, flower primordium; B, bract; P, perianth. (A-F) female floral bud; (G-L) male floral bud; (A, D, G, J) the inflorescence primordium begins to differentiate in the initial stage of floral bud differentiation; (B, E, H, K) the flower primordium begins to differentiate in the middle stage of floral bud differentiation; (C, F, I, L) the floral organs begin to differentiate in the later stage of floral bud differentiation. Bars = 1mm in A, B, C, G, H, and I; Bars = 100μm in D, E, F, J, K, and L. Wenguang He et al. G3 2018;8: ©2018 by Genetics Society of America

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