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Soybean Insect Identification and Management

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1 Soybean Insect Identification and Management
Agent Training June 26-27 NCSU and Plymouth, NC

2 Plant Injury Chewing Piercing-sucking

3 Insect Mouthparts

4 Plant Injury Gall making Insect Vectors

5 Injury vs. Damage Injury: harm or destruction on the host plant caused by the pest Damage: measurable loss of the host that affects the yield quantity, quality or aesthetics

6 Old vs. New Injury Old New

7 Economic Injury Level EIL = 𝐢 𝑉𝐼𝐷𝐾
EIL: the lowest number of insects that causes economic damage C = Cost of management per unit area V = market value per unit of product I = Injury units per insect per production unit; expressed as a proportion D = Damage per unit injury K = proportionate reduction in potential injury or damage EIL = 𝐢 𝑉𝐼𝐷𝐾

8 ET = the number of insects that triggers a management action
Economic Threshold ET = the number of insects that triggers a management action

9 Corn Earworm/Tobacco Budworm
Thresholds now online! Will lead to Field Crop Entomology Webpage Link Click Soybean Insect Pests Click Corn Earworm Click CEW Threshold Calculator for Soybeans


11 Sampling and Monitoring Methods

12 Direct Sampling Transect Random Sampling

13 Seedling Pests Thrips Grasshopper/Katydid Bean Leaf Beetle Cutworm
Threecornered alfalfa hopper Lesser cornstalk borer

14 Thrips Tobacco thrips predominate after planting, then soybean thrips
Some Eastern flower thrips, very few Western flower thrips

15 White Margined Burrower Beetle

16 Grasshoppers Most common in reduced till Adults more difficult to kill

17 Katydid

18 Bean Leaf Beetle

19 Cutworm

20 Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper
Check when beans are less than 10 inches tall Threshold is one per sweep

21 Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper Injury

22 Stem Borers Lesser cornstalk borer Dectes stem borer

23 Lesser Cornstalk Borer
Does this damage seedlings?

24 Dectes Stem Borer

25 Vegetative/Flowering Stage Pests (after seedling stage)
Defoliators Corn earworm/tobacco budworm Armyworm complex Soybean looper (generally late-season) Green cloverworm (generally NOT a pest) Velvetbean caterpillar (generally late-season) Bean leaf beetle Japanese beetle Blister beetle Grape colapsis Spider mites Whitefly Are

26 Corn Earworm/Tobacco Budworm

27 Armyworm Complex

28 Armyworm Complex

29 Soybean Looper

30 Green Cloverworm Generally NOT a pest

31 Velvetbean Caterpillar
Four pairs of prolegs

32 Japanese Beetle Beetles often congregate Damage lacy
Usually sub-economic

33 Blister Beetle

34 Grape Colaspis

35 Spider mites

36 Whitefly

37 Defoliator Thresholds
Vegetative stages 30% defoliation Two weeks prior to bloom and during pod-fill 15% defoliation

38 Vegetative/Flowering Stage Pests (after seedling stage)
Piercing sucking pests Kudzu bug Brown stink bug Green stink bug

39 Kudzu Bug

40 Kudzu Bug

41 Stink Bug Complex

42 Stink Bug Complex

43 Green Stink Bug Nymph

44 Brown Stink Bug Nymph

45 Piercing/sucking like Kudzu bug
However, stink bugs prefer and damage pods

46 Common Beneficial Insects
Ladybird beetle Lacewings Minute pirate bug Bigeyed bug Nabids Spined soldier bug Praying mantis

47 Ladybird Beetle eggs adult larva

48 Common NC ladybird beetles
Asian pink spotted pink spotted

49 Green Lacewing adult larva eggs

50 Minute Pirate Bug

51 Bigeyed Bug

52 Nabis (damsel bug)

53 Spined Soldier Bug

54 Praying Mantis

55 Reproductive Stage Pests
Defoliators Soybean looper Armyworm complex Bean leaf beetle Pod-feeders Corn earworm/tobacco budworm Stink bug complex Stem feeder kudzu bug

56 Questions?

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