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Stepping-Up Transition

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Presentation on theme: "Stepping-Up Transition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stepping-Up Transition
Take out ed plan Make all in the “together activity format” Edit Step up goals/ATG/CSA Set up the Pre/During/Post goals Add more practice of writing goals Stepping-Up Transition Malarie Deardorff

2 Stepping-Up Transition
A framework to create compliant, effective, and individualized transition service plans

3 QeAfzyqqYB
Pre-Test QeAfzyqqYB Need transition assessment example or case study information (PLEF statement)

4 Student-Selected Postsecondary Goals
Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Activities Transition Skills Assessments Transition Interest Inventories and Exploration

5 Start at the bottom Interest inventories should be sparingly. If your student is firm in their career path decision then they are not needed. They can however explore their chosen career field by identifying jobs within the field and learn about specific requirements needed to have that job. College exploration is important as well. We will talk about this in the next few slides.

6 Career Interest Inventories
Transition Interest Inventories and Exploration Career Interest Inventories Career Clusters RIASEC interest inventories PICS My Next Move Exploration tools O*Net Paws in Jobland College View Skills to Pay the Bills These provide students with an idea of how their interest and preferences align with jobs and guide education post secondary goals.

7 Exploration tools and Interest Inventories lead to developing Postsecondary Goals

8 Developing Postsecondary Goals
Using the interest inventories and other exploration tools, students can create their postsecondary goals. Answers these questions: Where do I want to live after high school? Where do I want to work after high school? Where do I want to learn after high school? Developing Postsecondary Goals

9 Postsecondary Goals May change over time with is OK!
Must be updated Annually Keep this in mind when helping the student create their postsecondary goals: Some careers may require different amounts of training or schooling. The variety of colleges (Universities, Private College, Community College, Jr. College, Vocational Career Centers). Independent living options: At home, in the dorm, apartment with roommates, group home, assisted living

10 Practice Creating Postsecondary Goals
After high school, the student will learn at… After high school, the student will work at… After high school, the student will live at…

11 Within the Realistic area, the student is most interested in these areas with medium job prepartion

12 The educational level can help the student plan postsecondary goals for education—in this case the student would need obtain a certificate after high school to perform the job of their choice. Postsecondary Education Goal: After high school, the student will attend a vocational tech program for aviation technology.

13 Create a postsecondary for Employment.
Where will the student work after high school? This information can help the student search for a job that will help him gain skills needed to become an avaiation techican.

14 The extra information helps create a course of study!

15 Taking the Next Step

16 Transition Assessments: Skills and Abilities
Transition skill assessments identify strengths, needs, and abilities. These assessments are crucial when developing appropriate annual transition goals. Assessments must be age appropriate. Check for ample validity and reliability evidence! Use the needs identified in the transition assessments to build the next step (annual transition goals).

17 Example of Transition Skill Assessments
TAGG Employability Life Skills Assessment (ELSA) Life skills Inventory AIR self-determination Landmark College Assessment College Readiness What do these measure?

18 Annual Transition Goals

19 Annual Transition Goals
Use the results from the skills assessments to build annual transition goals. The Transition skill assessments provide information to determine student NEEDS. Use the NEEDS identified to make annual transition goals. One annual transition goal for every postsecondary goal (AT LEAST 1). Add goal graphic here

20 Write an Annual Transition Goal for Education/Training
A measurable goal includes the behavior or skill that can be measured at periodic intervals against some criterion of success.

21 If the answer is NO, use the questions to create goals.

22 Example Results for Preslie
Landmark College Guide to Assessing College Readiness

23 Preslie is unable to describe her disability or write a ten page paper citing sources.
She also unable to identify their strengths. Preslie will write a 5 page paper about her disability noting her academic strengths citing at least 5 sources with 80% accuracy in the area of content and grammar. Using Landmark College Career Readiness Results to make an Annual Transition Goal

24 Let’s think of other goals based on the information from the Results

25 Example Results for Preslie
Landmark College Guide to Assessing College Readiness Goals need: Condition, Criterion, and a Behavior

26 Coordinated Activities

27 Coordinated Activities or Transition Services
Learning opportunities created to help students meet annual transition and post secondary goals

28 * See Handout

29 QeAfzyqqYB
Mid-Assessment QeAfzyqqYB

30 Example of Stepping-up

31 Beyoncé Transition Service Plan
Example Handout Current Assessments Needs, Preference, Strengths, Interests, and Course of Study from the Transition Assessments the IEP team (including the Student). Post-Secondary Goals Annual Transition Goals Transition Services and Coordinated Activities


33 Example of Present Levels of Performance for Beyoncé

34 Course of Study Current year’s courses
Provide reasoning why the student is taking them

35 Needs Identified *The needs identified will aid in the development of annual transition goals and coordinated set of activities.

36 Stepping-up Transition Planning
Use identified needs and interests to create Post-Secondary Goals Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Set of Activities

37 Stepping-Up Transition Planning
Postsecondary Goals Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Activities

38 Aligning Education/Training
Visit and speak with a representative in the disability service center at two local colleges to gain information about accommodations I can have in college. Coordinated Activities Education/Training By the end of a disability awareness unit, I will write an essay describing my disability noting my strengths and weaknesses with 90% accuracy in areas of grammar and content. Annual Goal Education/Training Postsecondary Goal Education/Training Attend a four-year college and major in drama and performing arts.

39 Coordinated Activities
Aligning Employment I will participate in job shadowing at the movie theater or performing arts center three times throughout the school year. Coordinated Activities Employment During this IEP, I will improve relationships with my teachers or supervisors by accepting constructive criticism at work by making specified changes to my performance 4 out of 5 given opportunities noting progress on a self-monitored journal. Annual Goal Employment Postsecondary Goal Employment After high school, I will work at the local movie theater part time while I attend college.

40 Aligning Independent Living
Create a budget for college including living, health, nutrition, transportation, and leisure expenses based on working a part time job. Coordinated Activities Independent Living By the end of this school year, I will open a bank account and make deposits and withdrawals with 100% accuracy as noted on a check register and online-banking statement. Annual Goal Independent Living Postsecondary Goal Independent Living Live in the dorms with one or two roommates with help from financial aid and scholarships.

41 Practice We will create a postsecondary goals, annual transition goals, and coordinated activities for Selena Gomez together based on her transition assessment results.

42 Selena Gomez Selena is a 16-year-old freshman at Wylie High School in Abilene, TX. Selena’s recent psychological testing states she has an IQ of 75. Selena qualifies for special education under the category of TBI. She attends the inclusion class for science and math and attends lab classes for ELA and Social Studies. Selena communicates verbally, but her speech is slow and is hard to understand at times. Selena is able to walk; however, she cannot stand for long periods of time. She has difficulty with fine and gross motor tasks. Selena enjoys listening to music and dancing. She is a social butterfly and enjoys company of her peers (like Justin or Nikki). She recently took a trip to the beach with her family this summer, and would love to live near it someday. During middle school, Selena attended several community experience workshops where she observed various individuals at different career sites. Selena would like to live outside her family’s home someday. Take out the extra information make the students look in the transition assessment results

43 Assessment Results TAGG (Transition Assessment and Goal Generator)
ELSA (Employability/Life Skills Assessment) My Next Move

44 With a partner or small group- Look through the Results
Identify Strengths Preferences Interests 5 minutes

45 Think and Pair On the together activity page
Use the information provided in the case study to: Identify Present levels from transition assessments including strengths, preferences, interests, and limitations (1-2 of each) Create a Course of Study for Selena’s Freshman year


47 Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Activities
Stepping-Up Transition Planning Your turn to create Postsecondary Goals for Selena Postsecondary Goals Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Activities

48 After high school, Selena will learn….
Guided practice with more instructor guidance

49 After high school, Selena will work…
Less instructor guidance

50 After high school, Selena will live…
Independent and share

51 Stepping-Up Transition Planning Create Annual Transition Goals for Selena
Postsecondary Goals Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Activities

52 Search through the transition assessment results
What are some of the students strengths? What are some of the students weaknesses? What does the student need to work on to meet her postsecondary goals? Remember they need to link back to the matching postsecondary goal Remember they need to link back to their postsecondary goal

53 Annual Transition Goals Need to Include
Condition Involve the application of skills or knowledge and describe the materials and environment necessary for the goal to be completed. Behavior Identifies the performance that is being monitored. Criterion How much, how often, or to what standards the behavior must occur

54 Let’s create one together for Education/Training

55 With a partner, create an annual transition goal for Employment and Independent living
Remember they need to link back to the matching postsecondary goal

56 Share Annual Transition Goals

57 Stepping-Up Transition Planning
Postsecondary Goals Annual Transition Goals Coordinated Activities

58 Create Coordinated Activities
Create a coordinated activity for each annual transition goal Remember to Link them to the Postsecondary Goal and the Annual Transition Goal *Use the handout

59 Create coordinated activities

60 Share Coordinated Activities

61 Post Assessment https://ousurvey. qualtrics

62 Case Study Time

63 Your Turn Alone or with a partner
Use the Universal Transition Services Plan Create a Transition Services Plan for Shia LeBeouf

64 Blank Copy of Universal Transition Services Plan Worksheet

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