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A word about …..

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Presentation on theme: "A word about ….."— Presentation transcript:

1 A word about ….

2 Single Replacement Reactions
A + BX  AX + B A replaces B in compound BX [Element + Compound  New Element + New Compound]

3 Three types of SR reactions:
Metal replaces hydrogen in a compound Metal replaces another metal in a compound Nonmetal replaces a nonmetal in a compound

4 Single Replacement Reactions
Metals have different reactivities Can predict if given metal and given compound will react or not

5 Single Replacement Rxns
Table J is activity series more reactive metals lose valence electrons more easily determine if a reaction will occur most active metal is at top least active metal is at bottom

6 Single Replacement Rxns
The rule - metal can: replace any metal listed below itself on table J metal cannot: replace any metal listed above itself on table J

7 Ag(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq)  ? What metal is looking to replace what metal? can Ag replace Cu? Locate Ag and Cu in Table J Ag is below Cu so this reaction will not go Ag is less reactive than Cu NR

8 Cu(s) + AgNO3(aq)  ? What metal is looking to replace what metal?
can Cu replace Ag? Locate Cu and Ag in Table J Cu is above Ag in Table J Cu is more reactive than Ag This reaction will go  Ag(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq) Balance!! Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq)  2Ag(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq)

9 Nonmetals also have different reactivities
Look at Table J Halogens are often the nonmetal Most active halogen = fluorine at top Least active halogen = iodine at bottom Nonmetals can only replace nonmetal below itself on the table

10 Single Replacement Reactions
F2(g) NaBr(aq)  2 NaF(aq) + Br2(l) F looks to replace Br (not Na) This reaction occurs because F2 is above Br2

11 Single Replacement Reaction
NR Br2(g) NaF(aq)  ? Br2 is below F2 in Table J This reaction does not occur

12 Use Table J to predict if these reactions occur
K + ZnCl2  Fe + Na3PO4  Cu + Mg(NO3)2  Al SnCl2  Ca + KBr  Ti + Pb(NO3)2  Cl2 + HF  F2 + CaI2  2 Yes: KCl + Zn 2 No No 2 3 Yes: AlCl Sn 2 3 No Yes: Ti(NO3)2 + Pb No Yes: CaF I2

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