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Buffer Capacity Complexation
Lecture 22
Buffer Intensity The carbonate system is a good example of a pH buffer - a system of reactions that tends to maintain constant pH. If we add acid (H+), carbonate is converted to bicarbonate and bicarbonate is converted to carbonic acid, both reactions consuming H+ and driving pH higher. We define the buffer intensity of a solution as the inverse of change in pH per amount of strong base (or acid) added: where CB and CA are the concentrations, in equivalents*, of strong base or acid respectively. *Equivalents are the number of moles of an acid (base) times the number of H+ (OH-) ions it will release upon complete dissociation. A 1M solution of HCl is a 1N solution, but a 1M solution of H2SO4 is a 2N solution, as is a 1M solution of Ca(OH)2.
Buffer Intensity The buffer capacity of the carbonate system depends strongly on pH and also on the concentration of the carbonate species and the concentration of other ions in solution. In pure water containing no other ions and only carbonate in amounts in equilibrium with the atmosphere, the buffering capacity is negligible near neutral pH. Natural solutions, however, can have substantial buffering capacity. “Hard water” is an example of water with a substantial buffering capacity due to the presence of dissolved carbonates. How adversely lakes and streams are impacted by “acid rain” depends upon their buffering intensity. βCT fixed total dissolved CO2, βPCO2 water in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2, βCaCO3(s) water in equilibrium with calcite, and βAn-Kaol. water in equilibrium with anorthite and kaolinite.
Complexation and Speciation
Ions in solution often associate with other ions, forming new species called complexes. Complex formation is important because it affects the solubility and reactivity of ions, as we will see in the following section. In some cases, complex formation is an intermediate step in the precipitation process. In other cases, ions form stable, soluble complexes that greatly enhance the solubility of the one or both of the ions.
Complexes & Ligands Complexation is usually described in terms of a central ion, generally a metal, and ion(s) or molecule(s) that bind to it, or coordinate it, referred to as ligands.
Aquo-Complexes The simplest and most common complexes are those formed between metals and water or its dissociation products. As we found earlier a solvation shell, typically consisting of 6 or so water molecules that are loosely bound to the ion through electrostatic forces, surrounds ions in aqueous solutions. Truly “free” ions do not exist. This solvation shell is referred to as an aquo-complex. Water molecules are the ligands in aquo-complexes. The existence of these complexes is implicitly assumed (and accounted for through the activity coefficient) and not usually explicitly considered.
Other Complexes Ion pairs, where ions of opposite charge associate with one another through electrostatic attraction, yet each ion retains part or all of its solvation sphere. Two possibilities: the two solvation spheres are merely in contact the water molecules are shared between the two solvation spheres. Ion pairs are also called outer sphere complexes. Complexes (sensu stricto), where the two ions are in contact and a bond forms between them that is at least partly covalent in nature. These are often called inner sphere complexes.
Zn(H2O)62+ + OH– ⇄ Zn(H2O)5OH+ + H2O
Stability Constants In its simplest form, the reaction for the formation of an ion pair or complex between a metal cation M and an anion or ligand L may be written as: mM+ + Lℓ– ⇋ MmLℓ As with any other reaction, we may define an equilibrium constant as: For example, the equilibrium constant for the reaction: Zn(H2O)62+ + OH– ⇄ Zn(H2O)5OH+ + H2O We would normally, however, express this as: Zn2+ + OH– ⇄ ZnOH+ where β is known as the stability constant. By convention, stability constants are written so that the complex appears in the numerator (i.e., as a product of the reaction).
Second Stability Constants
The zinc ion might associate with a second hydroxyl: ZnOH– + OH– ⇄ Zn(OH)2 We can write an equilibrium constant as: Here, however, the notation for the stability constant and the equilibrium constant differs. Whereas K2 refers to the reaction above, β2 refers to the reaction: Zn2+ + 2OH– ⇄ Zn(OH)2 and is: The equilibrium constant can be related to the Gibbs free energy of the reaction. Interestingly, the free energy changes involved in complexation reactions result largely from entropy changes. Indeed, the enthalpy changes of many complexation reactions are unfavorable, and the reaction proceeds only because of large positive entropy changes. These entropy changes result from the displacement of water molecules from the solvation shell. The link between the equilibrium constant and the free energy change is important complexation reactions, because it is difficult to determine the concentrations of individual complexes analytically. Thus our knowledge of chemical speciation in natural waters derives largely from predictions based on equilibrium thermodynamics.
Water-Related Complexes
Ferric iron, will form a Fe(H2O)63+ aquo-complex. The positive charge of the central ion tends to repel hydrogens in the water molecules, so that water molecules in these aquo-complexes are more readily hydrolyzed than otherwise. Thus these aquo-complexes can act as weak acids. For example: Fe(H2O)63+ ⇄ Fe(H2O)5(OH)2+ + H+ ⇄ Fe(H2O)4(OH)2+ + 2H+ ⇄ Fe(H2O)4(OH)3 + 3H+ ⇄ Fe(H2O)4(OH)2- + 4H+ Thus equilibrium between these depends strongly upon pH.
Hydroxo- and Oxo-Complexes
Loss of hydrogens from the solvation shell results in hydroxo-complexes. The repulsion between the central metal ion and protons in water molecules of the solvation shell will increase with decreasing diameter of the central ion and with increasing charge of the central ion. Not surprisingly, the complexes also depend on the abundance of H+ and OH– ions, i.e., pH. For highly charged species, the repulsion of the central ion is sufficiently strong that all hydrogens are repelled and it is surrounded only by oxygens. Such complexes, for example, and , are known as oxo-complexes. Oxo-complexes are generally more soluble than hydroxo-complexes, so 6+ ions of a metal can be more soluble than lesser charged species (e.g., U). Intermediate types in which the central ion is surrounded, or coordinated, by both oxygens and hydroxyls are also possible, for example MnO3(OH) and CrO3(OH)–, and are known as hydroxo-oxo complexes.
Summary of Water Complexes
For most natural waters, metals in valence states I and II will be present as “free ions”, that is, aquo-complexes, valence III metals will be present as aquo- and hydroxo-complexes (depending on pH), and those with higher charge will be present as oxo-complexes.
Polynuclear Complexes
Polynuclear hydroxo- and oxo-complexes, containing two or more metal ions, are also possible. The extent to which such polymeric species form increases with increasing metal ion concentration. Most highly-charged metal ions (3+ and higher oxidation states) are highly insoluble in aqueous solution. This is due in part to the readiness with which they form hydroxo-complexes, which can in turn be related to the dissociation of surrounding water molecules as a result of their high charge. When such ions are present at high concentration, formation of polymeric species such as those above quickly follows formation of the hydroxo-complex. At sufficient concentration, formation of these polymeric species leads to the formation of colloids and ultimately to precipitation. In this sense, these polymeric species can be viewed as intermediate products of precipitation reactions.
Cu Hydroxides Interestingly enough, however, the tendency of metal ions to hydrolyze decreases with concentration. The reason for this is the effect of the dissociation reaction on pH. For example, increasing the concentration of dissolved copper decreases the pH, which in turn tends to drive the hydrolysis reaction to the left. To understand this, consider the following reaction: Cu2+ + H2O ⇄ CuOH+ + H+ for which the apparent equilibrium constant is Kapp = 10–8. We can write the fraction of copper present as CuOH+, aCuOH+ as: For a fixed amount of dissolved Cu, we can also write a proton balance equation: and a mass balance equation. Combining these with the equilibrium constant expression, we can calculate both α and pH as a function of CuT
When non-metals are present in solution, as they would inevitably be in natural waters, then other complexes are possible. We can divide the elements into four classes: Non-metals, which form anions or anion groups. “A-type” or “hard” metals They can be viewed as hard, charged spheres. They preferentially complex with fluorine and ligands having oxygen as the donor atoms (e.g., OH–,CO32-,SO42-). B-type, or “soft”, metals. Their electron sheaths are readily deformed by the electrical fields of other. They preferentially form complexes with bases having S, I, Br, Cl, or N (such as ammonia; not nitrate) as the donor atom. Bonding is primarily covalent and is comparatively strong. Thus Pb forms strong complexes with Cl– and S2–. First transition series metals. Their electron sheaths are not spherically symmetric, but they are not so readily polarizable as the B-type metals. On the whole, however, their complex-forming behavior is similar to that of the B-type metals. Other Complexes
Irving-Williams Series
the Irving-Williams series is the sequence of complex stability among first transition metals: Mn2+<Fe2+<Co2+<Ni2+ <Cu2+>Zn2+. In the figure, all the sulfate complexes have approximately the same stability, a reflection of the predominantly electrostatic bonding between sulfate and metal. Pronounced differences are observed for organic ligands. The figure demonstrates an interesting feature of organic ligands: although the absolute value of stability complexes varies from ligand to ligand, the relative affinity of ligands having the same donor atom for these metals is always similar.
Complexation Computations
Where only one metal is involved, the complexation calculations are straightforward, as exemplified in Example 6.7. Natural waters, however, contain many ions. The most abundant of these are Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl–, SO42-, HCO3–, CO32-, and there are many possible complexes between them as well as with H+ and OH–. To calculate the speciation state of such solutions, an iterative approach is required, such as Example 6.08. Most major ions are not complexed in most situations. free ion OH– HCO3- CO32- SO42- 1x10-06 9.12x10-04 1.12x10-06 1.65x10-04 H+ 1x10-08 — 2.06x10-05 1.58x10-10 Na+ 3.03x10-04 1.57x10-07 2.35x10-08 5.64x10-07 K+ 5.69x10-05 8.40x10-08 Mg2+ 1.40x10-04 5.03x10-08 1.84x10-06 1.45x10-06 5.14x10-06 Ca2+ 2.80x10-04 3.92x10-09 4.64x10-06 1.83x10-06 9.16×10-06 Na+ 99.76% Cl– 100% K+ 99.85% SO42- 91.7% Mg2+ 94.29% HCO3– 99.3% Ca2+ 94.71% CO32- 25.3%
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