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The Nervous System Nikki Glendye, Genevieve Corriea, Cassie Jordan, Tyler Kaplinger, Leanne Hayes, Jillian Osborne.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System Nikki Glendye, Genevieve Corriea, Cassie Jordan, Tyler Kaplinger, Leanne Hayes, Jillian Osborne."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System Nikki Glendye, Genevieve Corriea, Cassie Jordan, Tyler Kaplinger, Leanne Hayes, Jillian Osborne

2 What is the nervous system?
The nervous system is a collection of nerves and cells known as neurons that send messages to different parts of the body. The nervous system is the body’s electrical wiring. It starts at the brain and central cord, then it branches out to other parts of the body. What is the nervous system?

3 The Functions of The Nervous System
Maintains homeostasis sensory receptors  stimuli Integration Motor output Major controlling and communicating system of the body The Functions of The Nervous System

4 About the nervous system …
It is the center of all mental activity; this includes smiling, laughing, learning, blinking, etc… Neurons send signals to other cells through axons (fibers) The Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and retina. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) consists of the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord.

5 The nervous system is divided into two key parts
Central and Peripheral nervous system: The two systems work together to collect information both inside and outside the body Peripheral systems nerves are located near the brain and spinal cord (they either branch off one or the other) The nervous system is divided into two key parts

6 When a message comes into the brain from the body, the brain tells the body how to react (ex. Touching a hot stove) It relays messages back and forth (brain-body) via the spinal chord The brain is made up of the forebrain (contains the essential information), the midbrain (coordinates the messages), and the hindbrain (balance, movement, and coordination.) The brain

7 Information in the nervous system moves along networks of cells called neurons
Communicate by transmitting electrochemical signals The cell body of a neuron contain a nucleus, mitochondria, and most of the cellular organelles Neurons (Nerve Cells)

8 Afferent neurons (sensory neurons)- transmit sensory signals to the central nervous system from receptors in the body Efferent neurons (motor neurons) – transmits sensory signals to the muscles and glands in the body. Interneurons- regulate information received from afferent neurons to direct functions of the body through the efferent neurons. Neuroglia- also known as the helper cells of the nervous protects, feeds, and insulates thee neurons. Types of Neurons

9 Senses Sight- the nervous system helps light entering the eye through the retina. Hearing-sound waves that turn into vibrations act as nerve signals. Taste-the tongue contains small groups of called taste buds that react to chemicals in the food. Smell- it reacts to chemicals to help breath and sends messages to specific nerves to the brain. Touch- the skin contains 4 million sensory receptors. Headaches- is caused by tension in the head.

10 supplies nearly the whole of the skin of the leg
a conduit for motor information, a conduit for sensory information, and a center for coordinating certain reflexes controls balance, movement, and coordination muscular innervation of the entire upper limb Innervates the muscles in the anterior compartment of the arm control the contraction of muscles supply muscles on the back of the arms and the skin of the forearms and hands. supplies sensory innervations to the skin over the hip. gives vascular branches to the wall of the brachial artery divides between muscle mainly support the anterior part of the thigh divides between muscle receive sensory impulses from the skin of the thighs and the lower legs responsible for the sensory innervation of the skin of the medial aspect of the thigh. carries sexual sensation sensation to half of the 4th and the entire 5th finger. supplies nearly the whole of the skin of the leg provides sensory innervations to the skin of the anterior thigh and part of the leg. supply nerve impulses to and from the muscles and skin in the hip joints and thighs, the lower legs, feet and most of the skin below the knee. supplies nearly the whole of the skin of the leg supplies the skin on the inside of the leg. responsible for lifting up the toe and ankle supply nerve impulses to and from the muscles and skin in the hip joints and thighs, the lower legs, feet and most of the skin below the knee. lift the toes and feet

11 Left -> Right Conflict
Say the Word but not the Color Color Test Your right brain tries to say the color while your left brain wants to read the words. Left -> Right Conflict

12 General Organization of the Nervous System

13 Real Picture of Nerves throughout the body

14 Video on the Nervous System
Video on the Nervous System

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