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My Work Out Plan By Matthew Hildewig.

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1 My Work Out Plan By Matthew Hildewig

2 My goal is to improve all parts of my physical fitness. Including, my
Cardio Respiratory Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility And BMI

3 Day One And Four Monday’s and Thursdays I will work on my Cardio Respiratory Endurance For the first 10 minutes I will warm up by stretching out my leg muscles, these including my quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles. After that I will ride a bike, swim laps, or run for 20 minutes, Extending the amount of time by 5 minutes each week until I can go for at least 35 minutes. After that I will go until failure. Once I am done I will do a 5 minute cool down by walking. Or just swimming around, no laps. Followed by drinking plenty of water during and after the workout, so I don’t get dehydrated.

4 Day Two And Five Tuesdays and Fridays I will work on my muscular strength, and endurance. I will start out by doing a minimum of 20 push ups or until failure. After that I will start out on the bench press, then the leg press, after that I will work out on the dip machine, and other upper body machines, I will lift an amount of weight I can do easily on the first set of 8, by the second set it should be a little bit harder. And by the third Set of 8 I should be struggling to complete it, Each week if I feel like I can go higher on the weights I will increase them by 5 pounds, or keep working until I can increase it by 5 pounds. During the workout I will drink plenty of water and rest in short periods of time. As well as after the workout.

5 Day Three Wednesday will be a rest day, I will work on flexibility
by doing various flexibility stretches including, the Hurdlers Stretch The Standing Hamstring Stretch Groin Stretch Triceps and Lat Stretch Neck Rotations Butt and Hamstring Stretch

6 Safety Always drink plenty of water during and after the workout.
Take short rest during the workout and long rest after. When lifting always have a spotter. Make sure you don’t have any type of medical condition that could hurt you, and if you do, consult your doctor to see if you can handle the workout. Don’t get distracted during weight lifting and be safe.

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