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Peak Update Michelle Mizumori.

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Presentation on theme: "Peak Update Michelle Mizumori."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peak Update Michelle Mizumori

2 Reliability Messaging Tool

3 RMT Implementation Schedule
Key Dates: August 28 Intro webinar October 1st RMT Beta version released Send volunteers to Early Nov. RMT Advanced Webinar (Beta Participants) Early 2016 RMT released to all Entities/Users Here are some key dates in our RMT implementation schedule. On October 1st we will release a Beta version. Some of you may be chosen to help us test this version of RMT. In early November we will hold an Advanced RMT Webinar for the Beta users. We will introduce some of the advanced features to them so they can become familiar with the features. If all goes as expected in our Beta testing, In early 2016 we will release RMT to all Entities and users.

4 Section 21

5 Proposed Forums/User Groups
2015 RC Users Group WIT Users Group 2016 Synchrophasor Forum Congestion Management Users Group 2017 RAS Forum EMS, Data Exchange and WSM Users Group

6 Key Dates September 10 Board approval
September 29 First RC Users Group

7 ECC/webIntegrity

8 webIntegrity Phases Phase 1A – real-time situational awareness – in progress and on-schedule Phase 1B – future hour situational awareness Phase 2 – webSAS integration into webIntegrity Phase 3 – curtailment methodology for “other” elements

9 webIntegrity Phase I Update
August 2015: Testing in-progress this week Oct. – Nov. 2015: webIntegrity training Dec. 2015: webIntegrity Phase 1A usage ECCTF is meeting regularly to review progress and functionality Outreach

10 Questions? Jeremy West

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