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Pre – AP Biology The Cell Cycle (1.5) Part 1.

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1 Pre – AP Biology The Cell Cycle (1.5) Part 1

2 One cell becoming two

3 Chromatin vs. Chromosomes appearance within the cell.

4 DNA coiling up using histones

5 Chromosome Duplication The DNA is replicated during the S phase

6 Pre – AP Biology The Cell Cycle (1.5) Part 2

7 Interphase

8 Interphase cell (Look at the chromatin in the nucleus.)

9 Starting Mitosis

10 Cell in Prophase

11 Second half of Mitosis Can you “see” the phases in the name?

12 Cell in Metaphase

13 Cell in Anaphase

14 Cell in Telophase

15 Spindle Apparatus and Motor protein “walking” the chromosomes

16 Can you find the different phases in this onion root tip?

17 Animal vs. Plant cytokinesis

18 Binary Fission in Bacteria

19 Pre – AP Biology The Cell Cycle (1.5) Part 3

20 Checkpoints (Is all going according to plan?)

21 Density-dependent inhibition Notice how the mass begins to grow because cancerous cells ignore density

22 Benign Tumor

23 Malignant cancer cells from the breast (See the ABNORMAL “crab” shape of the cells.)

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