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The Planters and the Poor

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Presentation on theme: "The Planters and the Poor"— Presentation transcript:

1 What might lead poor farmers to revolt against their colonial government?

2 The Planters and the Poor

3 Southern Society The plantation system created a society with distinct social classes Plantation owners were influential politically and economically Most landowners in the South were small farmers who lived in the “backcountry”


5 Southern Society Backcountry or yeoman farmers practiced subsistence farming By the late 1600s, the South was a sharply divided society At the top were the wealthy elite and at the bottom were the yeoman farmers


7 Bacon’s Rebellion Along Virginia’s western frontier settlers and Natives are fighting Price of tobacco has sharply declined Yeoman want changes Protection from Natives Vote for all free men Remove tax exemptions for certain people

8 Nathaniel Bacon Represents small back-country farmers (yeoman) Pushes Virginia’s Governor William Berkeley for reforms

9 Bacon’s Rebellion Bacon allowed to attack natives, but Berkeley turns on him Bacon attacks and burns Jamestown Bacon’s death weakens rebels Gov. Berkeley returns to fight with his own army Captures and executes rebels



12 Results of the Rebellion
Rebellion demonstrated Frontier Settlers and poorer colonists would not support a government that only supported the wealthy Virginia pushes settlement West to keep yeoman happy

13 Results of the Rebellion
Planters lean even more toward slavery Slaves are not freed, so do not need their own land Easier to control Also, with new lands opening up, fewer people want to be Indentured

14 The End

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